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Keduwardu and I finished chapter 1 of out fangirl fic. 8DD

It hit over three thousand words.

Thats, like, exactly six pages if I were to print it out.

Krystal has way more nicknames than I do. xD

Oh yus. xD

I'm having a ton of fun writing this fic with Jami.

I just ate a green apple lollipop. <33

My dinner was terrible.

But the lollipop was amazing.

Edit; Now I'm eating sweetarts. xD

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I'm back at TT =D

For now, at least

I had the worst day today

I lost 3 of my friends and embarrassed myself in front of the whole class

I still stand by my decision to freak out at Indie

She knocked my oranges on the ground

And spilled yogurt all over my lunch bag

But I cried at my desk afterwards

Then got a scar from "depression" on my arm


EDIT: No, I didn't cut myself.

I bit myself until I bled.

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We had a snow day today

my head hurts

oh now it doesn't

crap now it does again

I'm laying down in bed

my head herts really bad now(pray for me JK)

I wrote all of my thoughts of the few people I love.

In half a minute flat.

I put it on Facebook.

I tagged them.

Marcus told me the stop doing what I do today.

He wants me to stop smoking and drinking.

The mark where I bit myself is still there.

I got a mediocre start on my science fair project.

It's an experiment on the difference of milk spoilage using different types of milk

Homogenized milk, Skim milk, Chocolate milk, and cream milk.

School's a one hour delay

But I wish it was cancelled so I can see if my scar will heal over.

I doubt it will, but it's worth trying.

The scar looks like I cut myself.

Except in the shape of a bite mark.

Yes, I bit myself.

My life sucks.

When I clean my room, I find stuff that I haven't seen for like two years.

I used to call the bushes down the side of our house my medicine chest and when people didn't believe me that it cured 'sicks that make you die', I'd eat a leaf to prove my point.

I have sudden outbursts of joy.

I run into the road, do a funny dance and then run back to the path. Thats while I'm waiting for the bus.

I am crap at breaststroke.

I love monkeys...and bananas.

I know. I'm weird. I used to eat slugs too. I stopped when I was 6.

Okay, school's cancelled!!

I'm spending the day playing Zelda and going on TT and MLIA.

Maybe piano and science project...

But I wish it was cancelled so I can see if my scar will heal over.I doubt it will, but it's worth trying.
Soon you'll hardly be able to tell it's there. :) And then it will go completely

My hand has 4 squares on it. Done in highlighters. Inside the squares are K e e ♥.

Then next to it is "They push my back up, push my back up against the wall"

My hand looks awesome xD

I'm freezing.

Tomorrow I have a book review due on a book I never read. xD

In P.E/Gym I always wear my jumper, so I can cover my arms.

I'm listening to Oh Star - Paramore.

My mum won't let me dye my hair black or red. ):

I will one day though.

She says that many people say they love my hair, and will do anything for long, straight, blonde hair like mine. But I still want to dye it. xD

I used to be against dying hair, but oh well, I'm to obsessed with black and red right now.

I've finally done my maths homework! :)

Today was pretty great.

This website made me laugh: https://lolwtf.net


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I have a loose back molar.

The new tooth is growing underneath it. D:

So it freaking hurts.

I'm the only one in my class who still has teeth left to lose.

I feel so different in a bad sort of way.

I'm getting my 12-year-old molars now.

The bottom right one is almost done coming in.

The bottom left one is just starting to come in.

It really, really hurts.

I really want to chew gum.

But it's all spicy stuff.

And it's too late to toast a bagel.

And there's no pop or juice left.

I love Cupcake <3

I got 3 hugs from him today.

At lunch, we had cookies with president's faces on them.

We saved Obama's.

Mitch has one of those "grow-a-girlfriend" things. xD

Mitch makes me pee my pants from laughing.

I'm wearing my dad's sweats right now.

They're comfy.

I hate periods. Dx

I'm listening to Carrie Underwood's Play On CD at this very moment.

I should go to sleep.

But I don't want to.

My life sucks. But it's freaking awesome.

I have some amazing friends.

They're always there to catch me when I fall.

I make them late for class all the time >:]

I hate my family.

I love my friends.

I wish my family would die.

I wish Finn would get me a rose too.

It's 9:15AM right now.

I got up one hour ago.

I should make breakfast.

I'm still in my PJ's.

I plan to be all day.

I'm starting my science project today.

An experiment on spoiled milk.

I have little containers of milk in the fridge.

Four different kinds.

I'm tempted to drink the chocolate milk.

Uhh my shoulder herts

I think lost tapes is on*runs upstaires and screams*

yeah it's on and it's scary

It's the werewolf one

now my head herts

I have a secret.

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