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It's snowed really hard early. -Stretches out arms- Snowflakes this big.

I'm back at school tomorrow.

I have so much homework to do.

^I'm only 4'7 8D

My website is still faily.

But the one role play on it is freaking epic.

I'm holding sizzors right now xD

^no you didn't.... there's still 11 members, like there was before you posted that.

I'm wondering whether or not to delete my website...

I probably will....

I slept with my dogs in the back room last night.

I woke up and I was cuddling a piece of paper - it was a picture of Kenshin. xDDDDDD

I suck at chess, but I'm playing against like the best chess player in my school, cause he's making me xP

Edit;; I just failed horribly... xD

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I have skills : )

We we're doing this shooting competition at lunch, for the whole basketball team [girls and boys] and I got the highest girl score, and 2nd highest overall : )

i have severe constapation and my cat barfed on the rug!

i have constapation all the time because i go to mcdonalds every day! (well not everyday)

I hate writers block I hate writers block I hate writers block I hate writers block I hate writers block I hate writers block I hate writers block I hate writers block I hate writers block I hate writers block I hate writers block I hate writers block I hate writers block I hate writers block....

I think I hate writer's block.

Finn and Darcy drank most of my diet coke today.

Lauren and I have this friendship pair of earrings.

She has one of my skulls and I have one of her zippers.


My MSN display picture is hideous.

It's a picture of me with pigtails that I took with webcam earlier today.

Ksenia likes it, though. For some reason. I hate it.

My science project is due Monday.

My mum bought a printer so it can get printed.

If it doesn't print, someone is going to get hurt, I swear.


It's 11PM

I'm going to try for an all-nighter

I have 2 hours, 37 minutes battery power left on my laptop.

I. Am. So. Tired DD: -yawn-

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