What's a random fact about you?


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I've watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban movie over five times this week. ;3;

I started school again today D:

I had alot of caffeine yesterday.

I'm just starting to like coffee, wooo! But I'll only have black coffee.

I'm obsessed with Habbo atm.

I took two days to read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. ♥

I got Lexi Gotchi to listen to Them Crooked vultures :)

I preferred term 2 over all the other terms. You know why? I was in Foods (Music is fun too), I was in a desk group with all my friends, We had Dodgeball all the time, and we got to make a video. :D

I am in music atm x3

I am obsessed with the song Violins and Violence - Knives At Noon <3

I got asked out by this guy

My brother knows that guy's brother

I'm not going to school tomorrow.

I'm obsessed with Friends <3

I want to go get a glass of sugarfree ice tea, but I cbf. I think I will later :D

I didn't get a hug today ):

But it's okay, I'll get a few tomorrow, since it's hug an asian day : )

I got the highest mark for the PE written test.

I'm so asian, I study for PE xD

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I want to bury my feet in sand now.

I wish it was the weekend.

My hair is wet from showering.

Yesterday was the best day of my life.

And I kinda.. hugged my favorite celebrity. James Maslow.

KRYSTAL! You shouldn't have taken a shower then!


I speak Parcel-Tounge!> :p

No, but I have a sharp mouth. (Meaning I can be rude and I don't even notice)

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