What's on your mind now?


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Painted Windows

Well-known member
Oct 3, 2009
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So yeah, what's on your mind now?


I'm thinking of a post that I will post here. xDD

This should probably go in Fun Stuff? o:

On my mind right now is something which I won't mention. |:

Yay, I remember this topic.

That I remember this topic, sugary food, and my fingerless gloves that need to come soon.

^ Ditto. O: Bahahah.

And also my watch. That I need to put batteries in.

It's a very bright yellow and very Ksenia-like. :D

the song "Hang 'em High"

me and my friend were singing that all day at school today

Pants on the ground

Pants on the ground

Lookin like a fool with your pants on the ground


Fingerless gloves.

How quickly Jae dies when I'm having a conversation with her. xDDDDD

My stupid webcam.

The fact that I don't feel like going to bed but I'm tired.

My first day of work tomorrow. :D

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