What's something you learned today?


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A person from the family studies class i'm in]has epic hair. its like bright orange. In FS class its not that bright, but in the lighting in a pic on Deviant art, its like Epic. Her cousin also has nice hair, its like a bright blue color.

Math is actually enjoyable

^ I shouldn't think such thoughts about math. Math is evil.

A guy farted, which caused him [not the farting guy, a different guy] to sit closer to me. <3

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My auntie and her boyfriend are going to see Lady Gaga tonight.

I forgot, so I re-learnt that.

They refuse to hide me in a suitcase.

Patrick Chan is adorable.

My puppy's brother is a rapist [learnt that a few days ago actually]

I shouldn't let my puppy near the laundry hamper, because she'll steal my bra when company is over and run around with it.

Spencer likes Lauren.

Chris is off, in pain...?

I hope I made him better |:

FSHS is freaking amazing.

Christian's book likes me o_o

Zoe is the most amazing person in the world.

The food they sell at school is actually kind of decent.

According to Marlowe, I'm the finest year seven this year.

Lillian is amazing too. <3

Finn is hilarious, especially when there's a spider on him.

I must use the English language bullshettingly to get good marks.

Marcus is a good teacher.

Finn gets funnier by the day.

Finn grew while I was 'gone' x]

You can in fact, cut your finger open with an iPod.

Library lessons with the year eights are hella good.

Teachers draw d***s on the board in year eight geography.

You can set wood on fire by a Bunsen burner, break a test tube, swear and get the whole class looking at you laughing all in five seconds.

I learnt of a conspiracy. D:

That Jess was in fact saying "Poweraid" not "Parade", she now understands why I was so confused.

There is a song in existance dedicated to Ralph Wiggum.

That song makes no sense, but it rhymes.

It's confusing, but awesome to watch simpsons videos on youtube in German.


Congratsss, Gabba buddy :)

I only just woke up, but I learned that it's easy to get up early on weekends, but hard on weekdays.

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