What's something you learned today?


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-I learnt that Acid has to clean the bathroom D:

-No one on TC is interested in me and Starry D:

-Do NOT swing on your chair. You will fall off...

-Mum's going out with her boyfriend tonight.

Yeah, its not that far into the day yet...

-I learnt that Acid has to clean the bathroom D:-No one on TC is interested in me and Starry D:

-Do NOT swing on your chair. You will fall off...

-Mum's going out with her boyfriend tonight.

Yeah, its not that far into the day yet...
lol. xD Everyone was leaving D:

-I learned that playing Tamagotchi with a phone on the table is a bad idea. xD

-that playing computer with a glass of water in your hand is bad. Really bad. Dx

-that I take a real long time to take a shower. xD

ITS STILL MORNING!! But whatever...

-DONT jump off the top bunk...you.will.kill.your.ankle.

-Esther has parental controls D:

-Mum doesnt mind making pancakes anymore xD.

-Esther has parental controls D:
Yes, yes she does. ;-;

And my Mum decided that I needed some smart, preppy clothes for Church so we went shopping and now I have... Church clothes. Pink sweaters, cream corduroy skirts, French vanilla tights. D: Maybe I'll take some pictures later.

^Well, do you have to wear skirts to Church?

I do. Whenever I go to church, women and girls HAVE to wear skirts. If they dont they will get strange looks, and then eventually get kicked out.

-Next time someone asks me why I have spots [acne] on my face, I should say ''Because Im cool like that''. Seriously, it worked xDDD.

-Jen's mum MIGHT let me sleep over her house tomorrow 8D.

-Sugar causes hyporactivity and toothaches.

-Michelle is coming to Adelaide soon to visit her uncle!! YAYYYYYYY!

-Little 3 year old children can become annoying when they start to try taking food off of my fork just so they can play with me ;_;

-Katie has an amazing accent <33

-So does Michelle <333

-Acid is an amazing avvie maker ;D

-Adelaide is very...multicultural.

-Michelle can ALMOST pronounce my name right.

-People don't believe me when I tell them that my sock ball is made of socks.

-Neon orange is now officially one of my favourite colours.

If you try to slide across the slippery wet patch of the supermarket and land on your finger you may break it! Imma need an x-ray!

Hmmm..... O:<

That my P.E. teacher is out to get me...

Everyday in the gym when everyone walks out of the locker rooms we usually wander around and talk before separating to get our attendance taken. I usually didn't... And today I was talking to my friend about Our Last Night and then he starts yelling at us... and then he lectures the whole class about immediately going to you area. D:< And he was looking at me the entire time.

And that my 'friend' hates me. Lol. O:<

-Sarah also likes to scream in shopping centres 8D

-I learnt the words to Seventeen Forever and California.

-Michelle isn't a midget. She's a little taller then Jen..I think.

-Estheh has amazing pants <3

-And so does Katie <3

-Stack is the new black still isn't in the shops :eek:


-I can't do rugby tackling. We had this football thing come to our school, and we had to tackle a foam figure. I landed on my butt, and now I have a severe bruise.

-Don't sleep in. You.Will.Have.To.Run.To.School.

-Capsicum is yummy.

-People don't appreciate it when you throw bits of things onto their heads while you're on the top floor of the shopping centre, and they're on the bottom.

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I learned that I srsly spazzed a minute ago when I heard Raider's March on TV. <3

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