What's something you learned today?


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Ugh Nevermind.

I think everyone hates me. That's what I learned.

That's what I learned...

And now I'm sad...


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I learned today that camp is horrible. Maddy got back yesterday. I also learned I will have to take my own food if I wish to eat while keeping loyal to my no red meat diet. But I get to roll in a waist high mud pool!

-Always turn on the light in the house at night time. If it's dark, you're likely to step on bones, poop, or pee.

-Hot Glue Guns are hot :0 They sting when they get on your skin D:

-I FOUND MARIA AND ESTHER AND FEEBEE. They were under my bed :0

Yep. More, but I'm a lazy bum.

^ WELL I WAZ IN UR CLOSET! (Just kidding)

I learned that when my brother tells me something to dream before bed, I dream it. o__o

-Soccer is the sport I am WORST at. Falling.

-Me and Jen call the hot glue gun at school 'Sexy Stanley' 8D

-I look like a rotten pumpkin when my fringe is wet :|

-YouTube takes forever to upload videos.

-Dead things can be cute

-Year 13 guys are dodgy.

-Teachers don't appreciate being thrown into a pool.

-The next door neighbours have nice pears. (Not that I stole 7)

-My cat is evil.

-Knives are pointy.

- Sometimes I can do things completely wrong. x.x

- Summer has too much homework! O:

- I change avvies more than before.

- Someone in my school looks like me! [i don't know who, but my teacher said that xD]

- My sister is obsessed with The PowerPuff Girls. =.="

- I keep on forgetting to do my homework. And my mom gets mad <.<

- That my friends keep on laughing at what I do. [What's wrong with playing with a toy sausage and balls? O_O I just wanted to pretend to cook that's all. And I was only holding one ball. Actually two, but the other one my friend handed it to me. Blech. I don't have a gross mind. Not really.]

Today was weird. X.X

-George Bush causes little Aussie kids to laugh.

-My lovelies on here are the only people who understand me. I learnt, that friends in real life can be very un-trustworthy. You can be best friends one year, and hate eachother the next year. Even my closest family isn't as close as you guys. That's why I love you </3

-That only true friends would stay on your side no matter what. True friendship means lots of things. It doesn't only mean fun, but it includes trust and love to complete it. And that true friends don't walk away. The word 'Best Friend' is a very hard thing to get. It doesn't mean I come up to you and I say that you're my best friend. No. It isn't like that. It's not funny. You think it's funny. You laugh when I don't. Sometimes I don't agree. I didn't say that I don't let you have fun, but did you every turn back and look at me? Are we even friends anymore? Did you forget about the first day I asked you to be my 'Best Friend'? Did you know how long I kept that feelings? And I want to let it out.

Too emotional. -____- I shouldn't have told my friend my phone number.

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