What's something you learned today?


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My Cheestring taught me that centipedes don't actually have a hundred legs. I didn't know that. My life has been destroyed.

I learned that I'm a computer hog and should stop playing it or I'm going to fail my tests that are coming soon. :eek:

I learned today that however much you think you have your life planned out, God almost always has a different idea of what is good for you.

It is possible to get cut by a shirt that has no sharp objects attached to it. Yes, somehow that happened today.

I cannot sit still. At all. I've been tapping my feet during classes just so I'm not still -.-

I think I have a fidgeting problem.

If you call a guy "Mairy-Fagical" then spray him with Hannah Montana scented perfume, He will giggle uncontrollably and be your best friend for life.

True story.

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