What's the biggest lie you've ever told?


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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2007
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Yeah, what the title says. This topic is pretty much pointless except for the fact that I enjoy hearing about crazy lies that people tell.

I'm not the type who likes to lie. Probably the biggest lie I ever told was in second grade. I was writing a book report on Jack and the Beanstalk, and I was bored, so I just randomly wrote "And then Jack's mom jumped out the window and died." I expected my mom to notice when she proofread it, but she didn't. I kept telling myself "Keep it there, keep it there" but part of me didn't want to, and the next day that part of me won! So it didn't end up in the book report when I read it to the class...but I wonder what would happen if I kept it there!!!!! I mean, I was a straight A student, so I wouldn't hurt my grade THAT bad if someone found out...would it?

Probably whenever I told mum that dad never bought a motorcycle when dad DID. I kept that lie until dad brought the danged thing home. XDD

Probably when I told my class that I had a sister in India and I did a report on her.

She was really just our foster sponsor child xD

When my brother's ex girlfriend called and was too chicken to break up with him, so she told me to tell him, and when he asked who had called, I told him it was just Bella telling me she wouldn't be on MSN for a week.

He later logged onto MySpace seeing that she'd deleted him as a friend and all that, then found me talking to Bella and asked who had really called and yeah ):

Probably when I told mum about my SECOND camera that I managed to break. I told her that it was just a faulty camera, when really I was the one that dropped it. I reckon if I had told the truth I would have never been allowed to get a camera ever again.. so I'm actually happy that I lied, though lying feels really bad for me on the inside. ):

I just have really bad luck with technology.

I have never told a big lie that I can recall.

I don't like to lie unless it's a 'No. Jacob ate the chocolate. Not me -shiftyeyes-' type lie.

Oh. I know a lie or two. Just about my whereabouts.

Not really. I kinda lie how Michelle does. You know, the girl 3 posts up... ^!

I don't really lie. I mean, I've done small white lies probably. To my friend who is sometimes a butt head. Bre...

There's one lie that I have myself.. if I ever tell anyone, everyone will hate me. I'm sure.

Actually there's many, but it's private.

Here's one though - I lied to the teachers that I was born in Thailand. But it's not a big lie, they found out XD.

The lie about me on the internet that Ksenia and Beth know the truth about. I tell only a certain select of people. HURRAY INTERNET SAFETY! -waves random flag in air- :)

Ahaa, I actually lie a lot. Like when people ask me "Do you know -blahblahblah-?" and I just say "no..." Even though I clearly know. My biggest lie was probably how I told my dad how all of my friends here are actually friends from the english class and some grade 7s. xD

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