What's the difference in foods?


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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2006
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...looked behind you lately?
What's the difference of the type of food you buy? :angry: I was wondering when I first bought a Bannana in the SHOP on my first day with my V3. :angry:

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I have a pyonkotchi and it does a little happy chirp and happy dance when it gets bananas. Each character has a different favorite food. I think they all like steak.

There is another food each one hates and it makes them sick.

I have a pyonkotchi and it does a little happy chirp and happy dance when it gets bananas.  Each character has a different favorite food.  I think they all like steak.
There is another food each one hates and it makes them sick.
Great information. Thanks! :furawatchi:

( :kuribotchi: I really think this should be STICKIED. :kuribotchi: )

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I just learned something else. My tama opened a treasure chest today and instead of something nice it got changed into an old man! It was mad! When it went back to normal it had lost all hungry hearts and all happy hearts. But just one feeding of bananas (it's favorite) and all the happy hearts were full again. So I'm going to keep some extra bananas around I think!

My friend tried bananas with her mametchi and it lost all it's happy hearts! Does anyone know what is the favourite of mametchi?

Mametchis love omelets and they hate peanuts.


To view a helpful topic which I made that will tell you alot of information about which different foods and drinks different tamagocthi love and hate click here!



-sk8er girl-

Each Tamagotchi likes a food and hates a food. E.G The 'puchitchi' (v2) likes a 'lollipop' and because it likes a 'lollipop' it does a mini dance. It hate a 'crab' and because it hates a 'crab' it gets angry and loses all 'happy' hearts.

Mametchis love omelets and they hate peanuts.
Skater girl: I have never seen either omelets or peanuts on V3. Is that V2 you are talking about?

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Never mind. Right after I wrote that I did get an omelet in the shop. I wrapped it as a present for the mametchi and it loved it! Thanks!

really there isnt a difference.....mine lovs steak and hates french fries.......must to cold..........

Maybe each tama has a fave and it dosen't matter what type it is.....at least i think.

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