What's the most embarrassing


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When I farted at school & it was loud. LOL!

And when I went to the bathroom with the doors my door opened up!

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when we went to an aquarium with the entire 6 th grade (last year)...

I WALKED INTO THE ELECTRIC DOOR, the automatic ones xD

Nothing has ever happened to me that's embarrassing. No really. :p But something hilarious has happened to my brother!

We were dining with the family at this really expensive Chinese restaurant, and my brother had some loose pants. When he came back from getting his food, his pants fell down because he bumped into the water lady! :rolleyes:

It was so funny!

Erm Ok I was about five and I was in this park place looking for my mum. I found her and ran up to her and went like "Mum!" And when I was about to hug her then I noticed that it was just some one who looked like my mum. I had to run away-fast

I slipped on a lunch-bag in grade four- I was embarrased for a couple of days.

I bumped into this hot guy in hollister. (the place is dark & closed, and it reeks of woodsy cologne!) but he's just like 'Its okay, hun.'

I ran away-fast. :)


we were at the movies, and the was this poster for a movie, and it was funny cause it was like, some chick's butt [not naked of course, haha] so being stupid, I told my friend to pretend to poke it, and I'd take a picture. We were laughing, but then someone said my name and it was my mom's friends whom we now very well, and they were laughing sooo hard and everyone in the consession stand was laughing at us, well me mainly, gargg.

That night was soooo emmbarassing, bahh.

I was playing Tennis, then there was this high stroke I had to do... and I think you know the rest :)

There was about 20 people there.

1 more, when I was at my friends birthday(I was in kindergarten), we had to say what we'll be for a job, and I said,''I want to play slot machines!''.

One of my so-so friends as messing around, and tipped his applejuice above my head thinking it was empty.. It wasn't. He spilled applejuice in my hair and on my face, and I was sitting across the table from a lot of popular people.. :p (I wasn't mad at him though. It was actually pretty funny. But I got sent to the principal's office the second day of school.)

At Wendy's, my friend kept trying to push on a door that had the "Pull" sign right above her head. Everybody inside kept staring at us weird, and we finally looked up, and burst out laughing. xD

And... Surely I'll think of more later. xD

Uh.. this kid was doing a 'magic' act but I could see what he was doing under the table, he was trying to make us think he switch teh cap on his fingers to the other finger, and when I tried to show everyoen what he did I like... flipped everyone off 0__o I was all 'Oh crap..." then my friend was like "VANNAH IS A BAD GIRL! AWWW" I was all "SHUSH!" It was hilarious... LOL

Also, This happened like, a minute ago. I was taking my temperature a few times, and the fourth time it didn't beep, I stood there for a miute and finally I was all "IS THIS THING ON?" Nup... iT wasn't XD

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[SIZE=8pt]Gah...so many xD[/SIZE]

Well, I would have to say the MOST embarrassing one would be...


My friends and I were walking back after gym, and we have these lockers that you keep your regular clothes in, and I got mine out.

I changed in the bathroom like normal.

When I got outside the locker room, a few boys who were in my class were searching lockers.

"What's up?" I said.

They said "John (name changed) lost his clothes. Do you know where they are?"

I reached into my pocket like I always do when I'm concerned or nervous, and pulled out a blue pen.

"That's mine!" John said. "Those are my clothes!"

I screamed.


That was my most embarrassing moment...another was at a dance, my friends dared me and my crush to dance a tango (xD!)

And we did, and he dipped me backwards, and then he pulled me up and kissed me full on the mouth.

I fainted.

How embarrassing...but not so embarrassing as the last one xDDD

Where to begin.... =/

First of all, when my story takes place, I was really short for my age. I was 4'10. :p

So I was at a party last year, and I was wearing flats (I normally wear upwards of 4 inch heels). My best guy friend was there, and I started to kind of like him a bit (he's of average height for a 16 year old, by the way). So he tells me that he likes me, and he asks if he can kiss me. I say yes. Big mistake. So he has to bend down, right? Well, I'm so short that he's practically on his knees. He put his hand on my shoulder, and as he's standing up, he got his watch caught on my bra strap. He stood up straight and accidentally pulled my bra off. So we're standing there, both absolutely mortified, with my bra hanging off of his watch, and the room falls silent, as everybody's trying to absorb the situation. Suddenly, my cousin breaks out in laughter and the rest of the crowd joins her. We're both still being teased without mercy, by the way.

So that's the most embarassing thing to ever happen to me. I'm sure my friend feels the same way about it. :kuribotchi:

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