whats the whole


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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
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How do u debug? What does it do? ^_^

i dont recamend it. it could permanetally mess your tama up. I can tell you how, but is it really worth the risk, exspecially if it is a rare color or a v1 or v2, which are very valuble now, because of how old they are, i did it, and almost ruined mine, but A quick fix, saved it, but only because i did it perfect.I know it is really fun, and cool, but ultra dangerouse, let me know what you decide.

Kiri, your warning is good. But on the other hand, cek, it depends on how many Tamas you have. If you have one that you don't use a lot or don't like all that much, you can try debugging, but you have to be very careful. I've done it before and I had no problems, but some people have had problems. If you're ready to take the risk, you can visit the instructions here:


Good luck!

but, debugging takes away from the whole piont of tamas. Why cheat all the way, just to get a perfect charactor. The piont of them is to try to get better charactors, and learn from the things that you did right, and the ones that you did wrong.

Well, debugging is a really cool thing you can do to your tama.

You can pick it's character, whether you want it to be a boy or girl, and there are cool new features. But sometimes it doesn't work and your tama won't work again. However, if done sucessfully it will work.

You've got to take the backs off your tama and rub with a pencil where it says 'de-bug'

If you have more than one tama or a tama you don't use a lot use that because if it's ruined it won't be a problem.

Have fun!

P.S. Most people have been sucessful in doing it, by the way. Look online for further instructions.

we done it, and i did it well. but i don't want you to screw your tama up. my friend did it to hers, an original v1, luckily, she had 2 v1s.

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