What's the worst thing you've ever done?


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I totally understand. My hamsters did that all the time they would jump out of my hands. My one hamster keep biteing me! But soon i found out my hamster was pregant! It was the happiest day of my life. Untill Dumbdog killed my hamsters and the babies! (Stupid dog) :(
[SIZE=13pt]I'm so sorry.. Thats horrible... I'm not trying to be rude but... How did the dog kill it?[/SIZE]

Um, I dunno. The worst thing emotionally was losing a good friend over a silly arguement a few weeks ago. He was my best friend and I was in a bad mood with some other guy and he just said something that usually I'd laugh at, but that time, I snapped.

I was home with no supervision, just my friend.

She and I decided to give my room a makeover.

So the border I had on my walls needed to come off.

It was supposedly, "Peel off," wallpaper.


We tried pulling off the border.

What did come off took the paint and dry wall off with it.

So I had holes in my walls.

It took all summer to get off my walls.

And like $250 to get the holes patched and painted over.

My mom was sooooo pi**ed off, it wasn't even funny.

It was terrible, I was miserable. I kept apologizing but it didn't help.

That was last summer. Still to this day I'm not allowed to have a friend over without a parent around.

The sad thing is I was old enough to know better, but I did it anyway.

I liked this guy for 3 years straight. We've always considered each other friends. I told him how much I liked him. He said he liked me back, so i was really happy. He asked me out, so I said "I will think about it." I was going to ask my parents if I could have a boyfriend, but I was too much of a coward to ask them. So, I missed my chance....Now I have to see him prance around with his girlfriend every single day. It's even worse, because his girlfriend is my best friend.

So, in conclusion, the worst thing I ever did is coward out asking my parents.

I cry over it.

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One time i stole my friend's tickets to a concert and i said "OH MY DOG ATE THEM BECAUSE U LEFT THEM ON THE FLOOR" and i snunk out to the concet and burned the t-shirt.

ANOTHER THING I DID was i was shopping some place and there was this cuuuuuuuutttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeee shirt and i wanted to buy it then some random girl toke it and then her and her mom were looking for clothes and then i toke the shirt back and bought it!!!!!


Well sometimes

OOOOOOHHH i remember a good one

Ok so i was at the mall and i went to limted too. A girl was gonna buy a really cute shirt i wanted and it was my size and the last one! Then her mom was picking out her a webkinz, so she put the shirt in the basket she has (at mine they have baskets) anyways the shirt was hanging out so i grabbed it. I toke out 20.00 bought it and ran off before she saw it was gone and i had it.

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