what's with the match maker?


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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
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<_< the match maker cam but i missed her! Will she come again because my tamagotchi is 7 years old!!!!!! She came today so i missed her and i need to know when she might come again so i can start a new generation of my tamagotchi! please o please help me!!!! :D
yes, she will come again, i missed her once before and she came every day. set the clock to 7:29pm, wait one minute and she should come, kk? :D :pochitchi: :gozarutchi: :( <_< :mimitchi: :mametchi: :kuribotchi: :( :hitodetchi: :furawatchi: :wacko: :ph34r: sorry bout the smileys, i wanted to dse what they look like

thanx!!!!! i just want my tamagotchi's family to live for ever even though it doesn't have a family right now it will thanx to you thanx!

what does your tamagotchi look like not the creature the outside mine are painted well thats what the packet said they were supost to look like or their stile is supost to look like

anytime, you can ask me any other questions cus ia kno A LOT about tamagotchi. the highecst generation i got to on my v2 was 13

kool! so what does your tamagotch look like the outside and creature?

one looks like my avi and it has flowers and pink buttons, the other is pink w/ flowers and green buttons, this is a v2 i am talking about, u are talking about v2, right???

and the blue ones character is whaleitchi or something and he has a baby, and the other is a star child

sleeping lol, i don't have color, mine is a ninja and a onion, i have two, one is yellow will orange buttons, and the other one is blue with orange buttons

When you have all those tamas how do you take of them all do you have to switch screens

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