What's your current MAJOR pet peeve?


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homophobia, racism, sexism, any form of oppression really, when you ask someone not to use a slur and they ask "why?", when people forget to flush, when people remove graffiti, Adele, Taylor Swift, youtube celebrities, Cara Delevingne, Urban Outfitters, and people who hate One Direction for no good reason.

WHINY PEOPLE , theres a stupid kid at my school who likes to whine and it gets on my nerves !!! sometimes i feel like punching him and his parents should have punish him when he was younger

People chewing with their mouths open

Typing errors on my iPhone

Dropping my MagiQuest wand (probably going to happen on vacation)

Getting a creative block

When I write bad fanfiction

Auto spelling corrections on iPhone

Losing things

Thinking I lost things when I didn't

When Erik (he's still my classmate in 8th Grade) keeps being a baby by blowing raspberries at me whenever I come into the back room with my teacher in there. It happened when I got this little Pokemon Handbook that he wanted to read, and he keeps saying that it's his. He even said to give it up, or he's counting down. He's such a pain in my rear end, I just want to tell him to jump off a short pier and get eaten by sharks. Let's see how he likes it when that happens.

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  • Not being allowed to have an iPad even though my dad had 4 and he's happy to give one to me. And I'll pay the bills for mobile internet, and I'll agree to basically replace my phone with it, and I'm fine for there to be limits on it.
  • Girls in my class who are annoying and strange

My phone being so glitchy
My computer repeatedly shutting down and updating itself without warning
Time zones (when they're inconvenient)
Losing stuff at school
Not being able to keep my locker tidy
Only being allowed to do 2 languages at school (OK, maybe 5 languages next year, 3 in school and 2 out, would be too much but still)
Maths homework - our substitute teacher said he'll give us an hour of homework on Monday and I really hate that because maths is so easy and I know the homework will be the kind of stuff that's really easy but takes ages
Almost all subjects being too easy
When I get banned from reading stuff because my parents find it upsetting but I don't. I'm really insensitive when it comes to books/songs/videos, stuff others said makes them cry has no effect on me
My secretiveness and tendency to think people would be bad friends when they wouldn't
When the computer...

  • Erases all the text in a PM I just finished typing
  • Saves files and then says they're corrupted
  • Doesn't paste the stuff I copied
  • Pastes weird stuff that I have no idea where it came from
  • Disconnects from Internet and/or crashes browser when sending PM
  • Disconnects from Internet and/or crashes browser when loading "inappropriate" Melodytchi pictures
  • Shows a pointless error that says a program "has stopped working" and gives the option to close the program, after I have already exited and closed the program
  • Crashes an important program for no reason at all
  • Blocks stuff that the browser content advisor thinks is inappropriate, but isn't
  • Doesn't block stuff that is inappropriate
- Whiny people

- Hearing people chew their food

- My stupid upstairs neighbor who walks with his boots on

- McDonalds Chicken Nuggets

- Loud toddlers in a theatre

People who annoy me then apologise then annoy me some more then apologise then annoy me some more and when will they actually stop annoying me like they say they will.

I'm pretty sure this has been posted multiple times, but when smokers blow their smoke anywhere near my face. The smell disgusts me and I almost choke up every time I have to inhale your second-hand smoke.

Please can't you just stop smoking while were in in front of a store? I have to enter through here, I have no other choice. I just don't understand why people can't wait to go home to do that.

Oh also Taylor Swift and Pandas.

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Leif (Animal Crossing New Leaf) almost never has an axe for sale. How many watering cans does he think I need?

In a spoiler to save space:

"Girlfriend" magazine...
...absolutely must print at least one indecent word on every single page.
...prints pointless stuff with no information, like "blah celeb lost 5 kg in blah weeks! 20% of blah answered blah to blah!"
...answers readers' questions about trivial stuff, but never seems to care about real problems.
...thinks that all girls need to have dozens of lame posters of boring boys covering the walls and ceiling of their room.
...thinks that knowing the difference among bra sizes is extremely important.
...it's a magazine aimed at girls, but what the purple dolphin do I know, right?

"Discovery Girls" magazine...
...always prints depressing stuff that no one wants to read ("my friend died blah I'm jealous of everything want to buy lots of expensive make-up blah blah blah...")
...also thinks that knowing the difference among bra sizes is important.
...thinks that all girls need to have page-long guides on what important fashion stuff to buy.

Video game magazines...
...have to print cheats that are easily accessible all over the Internet.
...insist that you need an incredibly advanced headset with the latest technology, a massive super Full HD 3D monitor, and a 500-button "gaming mouse" to play video games.
...print a preview of an upcoming game saying how unbelievably great it is going to be, and then review the game later saying how bad it is.
...list all the detailed features of the next console, and when the console is released, it's nothing like what they said it would be.

The fact that I never even expected there to be something like periods (not full stops) until TamaTalk. Sometimes I wonder if there's more stuff like that which my friends never tell me about. Frightening. o__0 Finding out that there are periods is like finding out that chili dogs enjoy travelling in elevators. Soo unexpected. :mellow:

The peculiar period questions in the GLQ. Why would anyone want to know about it? :huh: It's like asking how old you were when you got your first pair of blue socks.

Wondering why a certain someone posts the answers to said period questions when they know I read all their posts, including those posts. O____o I am slightly creeped out when one gets that, you know, because...

Great, now I can't stop thinking about it! :angry:


Alcohol. I avoid it and have never done it and never will, like all other awful stuff.

When the word "good" is in quotation marks, because then it leaves you wondering "Why is the word 'good' in quotation marks? :huh:"

Coffretchi putting on make-up.
^ Discovery Girls is the BEST magazine ever! It's just so hilarious!

My Pet Peeve is when people use reverse psychology on me.

^^I liked Discovery Girls. Until my subscription was cancelled.

When my parents see me doing something incorrectly so they stop me and give a full tutorial on how to do it even though I know how already.

When my parents critique other parents' parenting skills.

When people get offended for no good reason.

Inappropriate Melodytchi pictures? I won't ask.

Disconnects from Internet and/or crashes browser when loading "inappropriate" Melodytchi pictures
My T and H buttons on my ipad aren't always read... So its constantly making weird or short words.

My funny looking sunburn on my legs is starting to hurt (it truely is funny looking though, fingers, lines, knee mark... Etc)

My toes being cold. Xc.

People who can't read any font except Arial or Georgia or something like that. Not only do they give bad reviews on my presentation things at school because I use interesting fonts, they also give bad reviews on Tiny Tower and Pocket Planes for the same reason!

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