Whats your current status?


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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
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Whats your current status?

I'm taken and I am SOOO LOVING IT! My boyfriend is the nicest guy any girl could ask for! He's sweet! He's caring! And most of all, he's so cute! He's 16 and I'm 14, but I'll be 15 in 26 days! He's a sophmore and I'm a freshman. We've been friends for months and last Tuesday night he asked me out through a myspace message and I said yes, of course, because I've liked him for a while but I was scared to ask him out because I didn't want to be rejected. Best of all he can drive! So me and him can go on REAL dates without having to get my mom or dad or his mom or dad to drive us. We haven't kissed yet though, but we're probably most likely going to kiss on Monday. He's really shy about that kind of stuff and so am I.

Whats your current status?


Hmm... Confused.

For a while, my relationship with my boyfriend was fine. Then we started talking less and less, and when we did, our conversations were awkward. On Valentine's Day - A card, that he spelled my name wrong on. Well... He tried. :/

But I have no idea what I'm going to do... I find no point in keeping it up. I get along with one of my best guy friends better than I do my boyfriend now. I feel more comfortable talking to them than I do with him. Over the past few days, that's really said something and stood out to me.

Other guys, friends, have my cell number, e-mail, and talk to me once atleast every day; Tons more connection than me and my own boyfriend. It's kind of.. Sad.

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Um, this might not be appropriate for some ppl, cause I'm only 12 and I dont have a boyfriend yet. What if a 9 year old saw this?
So? 9 year olds, I don't think, should be on here because that's like, 3rd grade. I don't get how this is not appropriate. It's mainly pre-teens, teenagers, and adults on TamaTalk anyways.


Annoyed. My boyfriend dumped me after a week and half for another girl, then dumped her. So my friend told him I still liked him but he said that he didn't like me anymore. And last night at the dance he was crying about something. I think it had to do with this other girl in my grade. And I think he likes HER!

How is this not appropriate. Its just asking you if you are single or taken. And I am nine and to me this is not innapropriate. And alot of nine year olds in my school already boyfriends so I dont really think this is an inapropriate topic. Oh and by the way nine yearolds can be on this forum and they might be in fourth grade.

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im single and not 2 happy, but at the same time its a good thing. Most of u know about the josh thing so, he just wont give me another chance, but at the same time it gives me more time 2 hang w/ my friends and b retarded! so its joyous and still alittle depressing!

I'm taken already. :eek: We're far away, but I'm coming back to where he lives in a week, where we can finally meet face to face again. :)

Single, most of the time happy and sometimes not so happy about it.

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Single. I could be taken right now, but the guys that have asked me out lately, are most likely fake. :\

I has a crush on a guy that likes a different girl, but that's a really long story. D:

single...i dont really mind, there are a few guys who i heard were gonna ask me out but idk, im looking for somone really speacail :p (and by really speacail i mean, not them)

How is it not approprite?Its just talking about if you have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

And 9 yr olds arent even allowed on this site
Hey! I'm nine in fourth grade and we nine year olds ARE allowed on this site,thank you very much. [i also have a boyfriend]

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