What's your favorite gum?


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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
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Traverse Town :D
So... what's your favorite? :D

I personally like Extra's long lasting Banana Strawberry twist. It's so yummy and the flavor lasts forever. :lol:

I like juicy fruit, but I'm usually all responsible and get the kind that's good for your teeth.

All Stride flavors...

and the berry 5 gum

I chew Stride at cool everyday xDD Its amazing

Oh, I also have to say I loved Trident For Kids when it was out a few years back. It was soooo yummy<333

But then they stopped making it. :lol:


I usually like cinnamin, or peppermint... I really don't care what brand but Stride is good enough for me. I just don't like those kinds of gum where after you chew on it for a while, it starts tasting like you just puked. >XP

Temari Nara

I like trident, and sour type gum ;)

Like CryBaby Gum.. :3


And this other sour, and long gum....I forgot what it called though :/

Oh well! :D

I like juicy fruit, but I'm usually all responsible and get the kind that's good for your teeth.
Ick I hate Juicy Fruit.

Once I chewed on it for a few hours and it became all mushy and started to tastes like paper towels XP so then I threw it out.

I like that Bubble.com gum. It lasts a while and the juice on the middle is really good. *smacks lips* YUM!!!!

I don't like fruit flavored gum... or bubble gum flavored gum. x3

I like Orbit... Crystal Mint is it? It's not as strong as peppermint. And it lasts a while.

And I like the light blue Stride. I haven't had it in so long, I forget what the flavor is called. I love how you can chew the wrapper! And the flavor lasts forever.

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