What's your favorite kind of apple?


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2007
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What's your favorite kind of apple? I would have posted a poll but I can't name all the apples because I don't know all the names.

But what's your favorite kind of apple?

I LOVE FUJI APPLES!!!!!!!!!! I'm eating one right now. It's delicious.

I love fuji apples, and jazz apples.

I bet people haven't heard of jazz apples, but when you taste one, it's like. . . . . . . . . . . . .

[SIZE=30pt]Woah. <3[/SIZE]

I bought like sixteen of them last time I went to the store.

I've heard of them just today.

I hear there really good I'm gonna try one later. My mom bought sooooooooooo many apples today.

Fuji and Pink Lady. :p

Basically, all the red apples. ;)

I only like green apples in cooking e.g. apple crumble (yum... <3 ;) )

Ugh I HATE soft apples.

I love crunchy ones. It's awesome because Fuji apples look soft but they are really good and crunch =]

I don't really like apples, but occasionally I have one.

I hate the green ones. Bad taste.

I like the Pink Lady apples. I have never eaten a Fuji apple! I like both the red and the green kind, I don't think there is much difference! I don't really mind what type of apple I am eating (but usually it's the Pink Lady kind because my mom buys them a lot) And I have absolutely no preference to what apples are used in apple crumble, apple pie or apple juice because they are all yummy no matter what kind of apple is used in them! I love apples!

I like every type of apple(Except the golden ones or the SOFT kind..). Jazz apples sound like something for me, hence the name.

Hmm.. That's a hard one, I haven't had a lot of apples because of my braces, but I think I like Red Delicious.

Pink Lady = <33

Crisp taste and crunchy ;)

This topic has gotten me in the mood for apples... let me go see if i have any :D

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I'm not a big fan of apples, but I love apple juice.

If anything I like grapples, which is a grape flavored apples.

You can usually find them in the grocery store in a pack of four during springtime.

Honeycrisp. They're the sweetest of the sweet! Next in line it's Gala and Fuji. I like apples that are pretty much crunchy, juicy, and sweet.


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