Whats your favorite Tama and why?


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Jan 30, 2014
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I'm just curious what other peoples favorites are, i'm new to this site but thrilled to have found it :)

The P's, by a long shot :D It's just so amazing. So many functions and locations to unlock *-*

Next would be.. I don't know, either the V6 or the V4.5.

I just ordered a P online but its in Japanese so I might only have it for collection purposes

It looks amazing though :)

The P's is my favourite as well. There are just so many features and cute characters, when you add the pierces and the pocket designer it's really an incredible tama. My favourite of the older versions is the V2, I love the simplicity and the characters :) I'm pretty much always running my P's and a V2.

I just ordered a P online but its in Japanese so I might only have it for collection purposes

It looks amazing though :)
You know, there are very few people who actually understand Japanese and like 8/10 people on this forum own the P's. Language is NOT a barrier. How much do you pay attention on what is written on your english languaged tamagotchis? Yeah, sure there is some dialogue on the P's, but that dialogue is really worthless.

Anyway,it's hard for me to pick a favorite. I really like the v3, v4, Entama, Oden-kun, +Color, iD L and iDL 15th, P's as well.

Mine would have to be a tie between the Tamagotchi Friends and Tama-Go. The Tama-Go has so many creative features not found on any other Tamagotchi. I love how there are so many adorable figures you can attach to the toy, and how each figure is unique. It really adds a whole variety of games and shops so that you never get bored! :D And the interchangable faceplates, man I love them! It's such a great idea. I'd rather buy a Tama-Go and a few figures than a P's any day.

The Tamagotchi Friends is less interactive than a Tama-Go with figures but it is still one of the most enjoyable Tamagotchis to run in my opinion. The sprites are amazing and very well-done and bumping is so much more fun than iR connecting. The fact that you can unlock games by collecting jewelry and bumping makes it even more exciting to play with. :D The games are really fun. They are found on the older connections but it still really appeals to me since three of the games are from the Version 4 (including jobs) and Version 4 was my first Tamagotchi ever, making it nostalgic for me. :D It's really a perfect version for the comeback of Tamagotchi.

I have a P's, iD L, Melody Crown iD, all the connections, EnTama, UraTama.... but Tama-Go and Tamagotchi Friends will always be the best in my eyes!

I like the tamagotchi p's most. It's pastel color looks sweet, elegant that makes me wanna buy all those color. And the color screen is nice too. There's a lot things to do with Tama p's like dating, collect puzzle pieces, buit a snowman or plant trees in the backyard, unlock new places... Besides you can download more backgrounds, games and item by using irda device or buy some pierces :"3

I'm just curious what other peoples favorites are, i'm new to this site but thrilled to have found it :)
Welcome to TamaTalk. As you are new to the site you probably didn't realise this, but we do ask all members to try to avoid making the same or similar topics as ones that are already posted and active on the forums. This keeps duplicate topics off the forums and makes useful or interesting info much easier to find and read through if it is all posted in one, active thread.

At the moment there is an existing topic in the Whats On Your Mind? forum: Your Favorite Tamagotchi Version: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/topic/184821-your-favorite-tamagotchi-version/ - so I am going to ask everyone to please post their replies in the existing, active thread?

Many thanks! :)


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