whats your favorite tamagotchi moment?


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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2012
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Was it when you found out they were releasing a new tamagotchi?? maybe you got one for your birthday a few years ago and that made a lasting impression?? was it the first time you got one in the mail?? when you finally crossed everything of your wish list??

My favorite memory would have to be the day i got my first tamagotchi. i had to go to my mums work (she had a meeting) as i was to young to stay at home by my self. when the meeting was over she said i was so well behaved, i could go next door to 'mr toys toy world' and chose something for $10. i looked around and saw a big bin with tamagochis in it. lots of them. they had a sale and they were $10! i had always wanted one and so i got a v2. we went to a cafe for lunch and i opened it up. i hatched it right then with out reading the manual. i remember saying to it when it beeped "i'm sorry little one but i have no idea what i'm doing"

a guy that worked at the cafe came up to us and recognized the tama and told us about how his daughter had one and it would beep through the night.

so thats my favorite moment ^_^ what about yours??

I was around 9 years old. My dad brought me, my brothers and a cousin of ours to a small shop downtown. I think we had been given a giftcard to it or something like that.

So the hobby shop was really small and we each had 20$ to spend. We all look around, my younger brother finds some Bakugans (that ended up being fakes - :rolleyes: ) and my big brother a board game. I still have nothing, and I'm starting to despair.

But then - hanging on the wall, something attract my eye. Something called ''Virtual Pet''. It looked insanely cute, came with a lanyard and was in multiple languages... there were pink ones and blue ones, so obviously I threw myself on a pink one ( :D ). My cousin falls for them too and gets the same (I wasn't super pleased by that - Take the blue! I found them first! :ph34r: ).

I open mine in the car. I remember I was so happy ^_^ So I pulled the tab out and it started beeping ''Bip, Boooo biiip...'' Omg I was floating!! So I started trying to figure it out, because obviously I hadn't read the instructions :rolleyes: And worst, I hadn't took the protective sticker off the screen, so I couldn't see anything!! XD But my dad laughed and took it off, so it all went fine.

He had to buy something at the dollar store before we could get back home, and since he had to browse and it would take time, we all went with him. Before leaving the car, he told me ''Don't bring your Virtual Pet in the store, they could think you've stold it since it's brand new!''. I didn't listen ( :rolleyes: ) and he wasn't happy - there were other Virtual Pets out of their package on the counter and I was wearing the shiny new pet around my neck :wacko:

My cousin wasn't so addicted by it but I was!! I played with it non-stop for weeks.

So that was my best moment ^3^

I have a bad memory so I can't really recall any foon moment... But I know that I love to start a new version because I don't have to worry about the character's growth, it especially applies to color versions where getting a certain character is quite important.

My fondest Tamagotchi/virtual pet memory is my first memory of virtual pets as well!

It was my birthday, though I don't remember what age but it was a lot younger than I am now, and I was having a big party at an ice rink and swimming pool place that had a huge soft play hall with huge slides and ball pits and stuff and those flying fox swing things. We had used the ice rink at the start of the party (where I discovered I have no sense of balance.) but we were all still very active and going between having snacks and running riot in the soft play thing. When I was back at the table my uncle who I hardly saw (and still hardly see) showed up with a small present for me in a glittery bag. Inside was an orangey yellow gigapet cat!

I remember being itching to play with it during the last part of my party and it being too late for me to play it when I got home.

I got up at 8:00am the next morning and played with it. :D

It is the only present I remember of that party and one of the few memories I have of that particular uncle.

I can't really remember much about my actual Tamagotchis other than what they looked like but I do remember collecting some Angelgotchi plush toys/pouches they had in a shop near where I lived. They were going for like £2 and I just loved these guys. I also remember they used to creep my mum out. But I'm sure that had nothing to do with me placing them around the house at random times. :rolleyes: Maybe.

Like one year ago I was dragged to a SwapMeet and went to a place filled with stuff and something spotted my eye it was a Tamagotchi I ask mom if I could get it she said it depends one the price I ask the keeper and said it was only 1 dollor so I got it best of all it was in perfect shape and it hatched I was like WTH? I was confused but I learned how to play with it IT IS MY FAVORITE TAMA MOMENT! <3

Oh my gosh, I will never forget my first (and favorite) Tamagotchi moment. It's one of my favorite memories from my childhood. I've told it before, but I'll tell it just one more time for the fun of it...

In 1996 and 1997 (around 6th and 7th grade for me), Tamagotchis were huge in the US and they sold out almost immediately after getting stocked on the shelves at any store. I missed out on owning one for the first few months because I had such rotten timing. Other people always grabbed them before I even had a chance. Then, one summer day in 1997, my best friend called me to let me know she had been at our mall's toy store, KB Toys, and had walked in at the exact moment the employees had gotten a new shipment of Tamas. I called KB and verified the info. Then I told my mom and she, my two little sisters and I rushed out to grab me a Tama while they were still in stock.

We arrived at the store and it was packed with people trying to get Tamas. It was the most amazing feeling ever to see so many gorgeous Tamagotchis together in person with other people who were equally as excited as I was about getting one. Tamas were such new toys at the time and they fascinated me! The very idea of a virtual pet was so new and different that I couldn't help but love the whole experience.

My absolute favorite color hot pink so I naturally chose the purple with the hot pink trim out of the color selection. It was perfect. That moment when I held my first Tamagotchi in its brand new box in the midst of the big Tamagotchi craze was a defining moment in my virtual pet life. I've come to say this more and more over the years: I'm really fortunate to have been an 80's kid. I've had the opportunity to see some awesome things in the toy world and the original Tamagotchi release was definitely one of them.

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what awesome stories!!!

Oh my gosh, I will never forget my first (and favorite) Tamagotchi moment. It's one of my favorite memories from my childhood. I've told it before, but I'll tell it just one more time for the fun of it...

In 1996 and 1997 (around 6th and 7th grade for me), Tamagotchis were huge in the US and they sold out almost immediately after getting stocked on the shelves at any store. I missed out on owning one for the first few months because I had such rotten timing. Other people always grabbed them before I even had a chance. Then, one summer day in 1997, my best friend called me to let me know she had been at our mall's toy store, KB Toys, and had walked in at the exact moment the employees had gotten a new shipment of Tamas. I called KB and verified the info. Then I told my mom and she, my two little sisters and I rushed out to grab me a Tama while they were still in stock.

We arrived at the store and it was packed with people trying to get Tamas. It was the most amazing feeling ever to see so many gorgeous Tamagotchis together in person with other people who were equally as excited as I was about getting one. Tamas were such new toys at the time and they fascinated me! The very idea of a virtual pet was so new and different that I couldn't help but love the whole experience.

My absolute favorite color hot pink so I naturally chose the purple with the hot pink trim out of the color selection. It was perfect. That moment when I held my first Tamagotchi in its brand new box in the midst of the big Tamagotchi craze was a defining moment in my virtual pet life. I've come to say this more and more over the years: I'm really fortunate to have been an 80's kid. I've had the opportunity to see some awesome things in the toy world and the original Tamagotchi release was definitely one of them.
how awesome would it have been to be apart of that!! ^_^ i have always wondered what it was like to be one of the first people to own a tamagotchi!!! it must have been amazing!! and i wish i could have been there too!! but no i was born one year after they were released in the US :( but oh well at least i can still enjoy them!!!!!

Well my favourite memory was when I got my first ever tamagotchi. We had put it on lay by since for some reason back then they were like $40. One day after school (after a long day of watching all my friends connect and play with theirs :( ) my mum was like we can pick it up! So we go to target and say we'd like to pick our layby but the women was like oh sorry we ran out of pink ones (the one we had originally chosen but was not there anymore) so I was like oh but then the lady said we do have blue ones and I was like that will do! :p so we took him home and I opened it up as soon as I was in the door (mum wouldn't let me do it in the car :( ) and I was so excited!! I took it to school and me and my friends connected and played til our hearts content! :D

The end!! :)

I have two best Tamagotchi memories (so far!). The first one is when I went on holidays with my family and my first Tamagotchi, a V2 Ginjirotchi whom I called Sonia. I took her everywhere and I have lot of pictures of her with me. The second one is from when the V3 came out, it was really fun because nearly every child at my school had one and everyone was constantly playing with them, I made a lot of friends that year and I wish that something like this could happen again!

Mine was when my English version iDL arrived in the mail. Finally, a Color in English!! And blue, as well. Well worth the price I paid (less than 60 dollars).

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