Whats your favorite way to drink Coka Cola?


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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2007
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Do you like Coka cola? I do! But im sick right now so i can't have it. :D I was recently thinking about how i like to have that soda, and i decided that i DO NOT like to drink it from a bottle. It just feels all to weird, and taste bad. I like it from a can, but my FAVORITE way is to drink it is in a cup, like the ones you get at resturants, though a straw. I don't know why, but it taste best that way :D

Random, i know. But what do you think?

I like it in the bottle the best, just because. But the only problem is I have to get my hands all cold to put the crushed ice in D:

It's no good if there's no ice in it.

I also really love it in those cups you get at restaurants, or like at Old Country Buffet when you can pour your own, I mix it with Dr Pepper.

It's heavenly.

Out of a can, out of a bottle or poured into a glass - as long as it is "Fat" (not "Diet") coke and as long as it is well chilled, but no ice added (I dislike diluted coke).

Coke is one of my all time favorite sodas. Always has been.

I love Coke!

Recipe - Random cup of bubbly froth that actually tastes pretty good



-Whipped Cream

-A ton of friends at your house to find it funny and drink it with you

How it's made:

1. Take a cup of Coke

2. Mix in a ton of whipped cream

3. Voila! A cup of vanilla-tasting frothy bubbles!

TIP: Best eaten with spoons!

It sounds icky, but don't judge it until you've tried it. =)


I like mine cold.

And non-diet. Diet is too healthy for me.

I'll drink it anyway really.

I hate soda spiders.

Pepsi max is better.

Mum never buys fizzy though so I almost never have it.

I'd rather have some soda water with lemon.

[Omigosh theres a 600ml bottle sitting next to me of coca-cola. Yeeppee]

I like to drink it fresh from the can. B)

Cecib :eek:

Surprisingly, I've never had a sip of coke (or pepsi for that matter) before!

I don't really care. It tastes all the same to me. I love drinking it from the can and then burping really loud. :)

Tip for coke: Never shake then put mentos in with lid OFF in the bathroom.
Punishment: Grounded 2 weeks
That is exactly what happened to me. I broke my toe in the process. Very, very long story to tell my dad. XD

I like drinking coke through a straw, in a glass.

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