What's your favourite season?


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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2006
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East Midlands
Hi guys,

Just wondered: what's your favourite season? Mine is Summer cos it's warm. Winter's good cos if it snows heavily then you can get a day off school, but I don't like the ice!


I like Summer the most because thats cricket season. :D

And also Autumn because its the beginning of AFL and NRL season. And my B'day.

I like Summer. It's the summer holidays, and I live down the road from a beach. What's not to love?

Summer. Except when it gets extremely hot.

Winter is too cold for me. Seriously. It feels like it will never stop being cold. Like now, for instance.

Spring brings allergies and standardized testing.

Fall means back to school and that the warm weather is leaving.



Because it's hot. And I love heat. In fact, the more baking, the better. In the Summer I can spend my life down at the beach or on holiday. And I get really tanned too, most years. It's a little messed that I live here in MA, actually, where it is currently so snowy and cold. This depresses me. But in the Summer-time the sun blasts down heat and light I'm the only one in our family who can put up with it. I don't really sweat or get faint either. Summer is love, and one day I shall live somewhere hot where it is always Summertime. Yaaay!

Summer bacause no school and I can swim in my pool and play outside without a coat!!!!!!!

I despise cold weather with all of my being. Winter always brings depression, darkness, and coldness. I dread it every year, starting in August. I'm relieved that it's finally going to be over.

So that counts winter out, unless I had some twisted sense of reasoning.

Spring is alright. It starts to warm up, and it's track season. However, I always get stressed out with school and my schedule. Spring is when I start to burn out and feel overwhelmed, and when my schedule is crazy because I have track everyday and I'm trying to make plans with my friends to break down the walls winter has built for me.

I absolutely possitively lovelovelove summer. First reason is it's warm outside. I love warmth. I love to lay outside in the warmth of the sun, and just bask in it. It can never be too hot. The only time the heat ever annoys me is when I'm stuck in summer Phys. Ed, running literally miles, while being timed, for my grade, while the heat is beating down on me. But even then, I cope, and it definately beats being too cold. It also brings a relief from school. Even with summer Phys. Ed (I take summer physical education to get my credits out of the way for the next school year. :angry: ), I have time to myself, and I can pursue some of my interests. I want to design a web page from scratch this summer, improve in my photography and graphic arts skills, and start writing and playing songs on my guitar. I also get to participate in extra curiculars that I enjoy, like service charge at my church. And I get to take trips. I'm going to Cedar Point with my older cousin this summer, and then my best friend/sister/love/cousin who lives across the country from me is going to hit the beach with me for a whole week. And, of course, I get to wear flip flops, and my hair goes almost platinum blonde. And I get some volunteer hours in. I just can't get enough of summer. Like Esther said, I am going to move somewhere warm when I'm older, for the weather, if nothing else.

Yuck. Sorry about the tangent I just went on. D:

Autumn is probably my second favorite season. School is fun and fresh in September and October, and it just starts to get chilly out. They start selling apple cider at the store. (Yum!) And, my birthday is in September. :3

So, summer wins.


The only season where I am away from every last annoying person at my school. x_______X;;;

Spring is hot... and annoying...

Winter is too cold...

Fall is okay.. but the leaves are nasty... and its pretty hot too. x____x;

Ehh... D:

oooh, I love summer, and autumn. Summer is so nice and hot and you can wear shorts and swim and I just love it. And autumn is so pretty, and breezy, and still warm. I can't decide. As long as it's not winter! ... I'm so glad that's over!

All of them for different reasons. I also hate all of them for reasons too.

Summer- Loves- Warm weather and river swimming, rope swings over the Waimakarari, ice cream, jumpin gin the sprinkler, beach, sexy tans, sunnies.

Hate - Heat stroke, sunburn -IshAllergicToAllSunscreens-

Autumn - Loves- Rolling in leaves, dead plants, daddy getting the start of his holidays (Daddy gets 3 months off a year and still gets paid as if he were at work!).

Hates - Getting colder.

Winter - Loves - My birthday! Puddle jumping, gumboots, my electric blanket, winter veggies (Brocolli, brussel sprouts, cabbage etc YUM!), soup, Daddy being home for me when I get sick.

Hates - Winter uniform, the weather (We don't get snow, just sludgy wet mess) frost, slipping on ice.

Spring - Loves - Flowers, rolling in flowers, warmer weather, the ditch of the winter uniform, baby animals.

Hates - Mum getting hayfever (Mum is a poo face when she gets the sniffles) my brussel sprout plants comitting suicide.

Spring FTW.

Spring; 'tis amazing. Its hot enough to go swimming on the beach, yet cold enough to wear a jumper. Plus, the animals are cuteful. And, no heat strokes or sunscreen needed. And no beanies or scarves needed. Perfect weather.

I hate summer and winter with all my might. Sunscreen and WAY TOO HOT ALL THE TIME. Esther, you'd love it here. Its hot all day and night long in summer.

I hate winter. Depression, people being mean. My birthday is the only good thing about it. Weird, winter here is summer in America/Canada.

Autumn's alright. But it gets gloomier and gloomier. Not cool.

My favorite is Summer and Winter but oddly in summer I wish it goes winter and in winter I wish it goes summer! If you agree quote this. But still I get good tans in the summer

Autumn, definitely.

There's just something magical about the way the wind blows the different color leaves around.

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