What's your favourite subject?


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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2007
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Mine are :




Maltese(the language,not the dog!)

Science(the teacher is boring though)


Computer/IT (That's what I will choose as an option!)



Then from next week I will begin drama at school!


I love Science :rolleyes: Especially when you work with the chemicals. I don't like Math, but I am very good at it.

History. I love my teacher! :rolleyes:

English too, because I'm good at it and I have another good teacher.

That's it. :)

My least hated subject is English, so easy. :rolleyes:

But I love my 1st co curricular TEAMS, and I really HATE Social Studies.

My favorite subject is history, but my favorite class this year is probably math, yearbook, or science. I actually love P.E. this year too. Last year core was my favorite class, but this year it's just okay. My core teacher gives way too much English homework and other stupid English assignments (like writing poems about ourselves. That seems a little bit like we're trying to brag about ourselves and be stupid.) My core teacher (and class) last year was awesome, but this year it's just okay. I also liked French last year, but this year it's just not as good (even though I have the same teacher.)

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I love science! It's fun when we do the experiments.

I hate all the other subjects. Mostly Math and P.E.

My favorite subjects right now are orchestra and Chinese. xP
Man. I want to take Chinese but our school is to crumy for the cool stuff :ichigotchi:

My favorite subjects are;



Social Studies/History


Art 8D

Band is hilarious. Our teacher has a natural sense of humor and he's at the top of his game.

Math is fun, even though I hate math. I sit in the back joking about hot guys with my friends AND getting my work done.

English is fun because I have two complete idiots sitting behind me. They're my idiots <3

Science.. I love science SO MUCH. But our teacher can be nice, can be horrid. She's really good at science, and she knows a lot, but she's like.. horrid. >__> Science has been a passion of mine since I understood Bill Nye on TV. (Ahh, remember those days.. They were so wonderful..)


And Tech because it's extremely boring but I get to sit there in my hoodie and iPod and sir doesn't mind ;P

Hmm tough one but i must say i like Art, ICT and Drama, they are quite fun! The teachers are quite good aswell!!!

Hope i helped, and have a great tama-talking day!! :(

I can't wait 'til highschool, so there can be more classes and competitions instead of sports.

But anyways, right now I love laungage arts. I just have a natural knack for it, and it's one of the only classes I want to pay attention in. Maybe I'll get the English award this year. ^^

I'm good at math, I just don't like it much, but my math teacher rocks.

I'm very good at science as well, especially like designing something, I can put what I learned into something creative and explain why I did certain things.

Geography is alright.

History... History... I hate it with a passion.

Gym is fun, at least our teacher doesn't make us do a 6 minute run everyday, I suck at running.

That's about my summary...

All my teachers are actually really funny and mostly nice overall..

My favorite subject overall would have to be science. We use a lot of hands-on learning, and my science teacher is also my Social Studies and homebase teacher. He's really funny. ^^

My least favorites... The rest of my school day lineup. XD

Reading and Language Arts - I hate to read. I only enjoy it when the book is interesting, and most the time, I have difficulty finding an interesting book. My reading class also includes vocab. ;_;

Language Arts is actually quite easy. I don't have as much a problem with the subject itself as I do the teacher.

That leaves... Math/Pre-Algebra, Social Studies, Choir, and PE. I dislike these for almost all the same reasons: They're boring and mostly difficult. I've always hated math. Social Studies puts me to sleep. :lol: Choir is in my opinion boring... And I seem to hurt myself too much to get a good grade in PE.

But yay science! =D

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