What's your hair color?


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Right now it's brown with the purple tinge :) I like it.

But my hair has been almost every colour lol; red, brown, black, blonde.

I'm dye-happy : D

My hair's brown in general.

But if I want to be specific, right now, it's a light, sandy brown with a few small streaks of blonde about every 3-4 inches. The bottom of my hair is light brown, while it gets darker towards the top, almost a black color.

But the tint of my hair changes as the weather does. It's a bronzish color right now, and I expect it to turn bright red by the end of the winter.

My hair's medium brown with slightly gold-ish highlights. natural, i've never dyed it. It's wavy for the most part, if it's not wavy it's just frizzy. I used to straighten it, but i started getting split ends and i stopped liking it straight. Now i love my hair wavy~

^ Awesome hair in the first pic. x3

My hair's the same way. Sometimes it'll look light brown. Most of the time it's a sandy blonde. And then sometimes it'll look more golden, ugh. xD


RED. In the sun, It looks like blonde and brown.

I love it. :)

Just dyed it black last week ~

EDIT: Major typo ._.

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