What's your hairstyle/color?


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Well-known member
May 30, 2006
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I'm getting my hair done tomorrow, so I began to wonder about the hairstyles and colors of the people on TamaTalk. :D

Right now, my hair is brown/orange, down to my mid-back, and wavyish unless I straighten it. My bangs are currently as long as my hair.

Tomorrow, though, I'm getting my bangs done choppy, and about an inch below my eyes. I'm also going to get my hair layered, and I'm going to start parting it on the left. I might also dye it dark brown, but I'm not sure. :0

What about you guys? :3

Mine's blondy red orangey browny brunettey, (okay, lets scratch that. Dirty strawberry blond.) thats layered and down to my shoulders.

My hair is straight and brownish black. I've got copper highlights in it. My bangs are grown out. I kinda want it layered, and I kind of don't.

That would look nice TamaGirliey :rolleyes:

I just got mine done 3 hours ago, it looks kinda preppy, too bad for me........My hair is dark blonde w/ lighter blonde hightlights (all natural), layered to just below my shoulders, I have bangs that kind of hang down in front of one eye if I put it in a side part (which can get very annoying at times).

Mine is short. Brown. And Bangs are barely above my eyes. I like it. Especially the gel. looks cool

Near jet-black. Usually flips at the back. Most of the time,My hair's wavy.My hair's hard to tame,i've broken three combs and a Brush trying to comb it.

Color: Brown. With a Sorta...reddish tint. And the faint appearance of the blonde streaks I got like two and a half years ago..Which you can hardly see, unless I'm standing under a certain level of Lightness, and if my hair is up a certain way. (even though its Rare that I'd put my hair up. I usually keep it down)

And Its about, maybe half an inch above shoulder length, My bangs are long. If I brush them Out infront of my face, they reach my chin.


I'm getting my hair Cut and Dyed on Saturday Though.

This Style and This Color

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My hair is a goldinish brown color with some natural (it might be from the chlorine in the pool though) blond highlights. I have bangs that I sweep to one side of my head and tuck behind my ear (I'm trying to grow them out, they're almost down to my chin if I put them in front of my face.), and I have layered hair that goes a little bit past my shoulders. My hair is very thick and wavy, that's why I got it layered.

What a coincedence, Tamagirliey! I'm getting my hair done tomorrow too. XD My first blonde highlights are tommorow, along with a trim, some layers, and choppy bangs. :rolleyes: Right now? I have blond-ish hair, that is flat-ironed, with a lot of split ends. :furawatchi:


I have dirty blonde hair, it goes to the base of my neck and is layered, but it looks funky because the person layered it wrong, it puffs in the back and I hate it, urg.

Sounds purdy, TG. :3

My hair is naturally brown, and naturally a mess. It's super curly, wavy, poofy, and frizzy. If I wear my hair down it's always straightened. Always always always. xD It's down to just above my chest, and I'm thinking of cutting it around Christmas time. I want my bangs to be like yours, because mine are past the shoulders already. o.o' Days like today I just leave my hair up and messed up. :rolleyes: Stupid teachers strike. I'm so bored!

ANYWAYS. It takes me literally an hour (60 minutes, count 'em xD) to straighten my hair. I have to put poof stuff on it, then straighten it by 3 layers and hairspray each layer down and then brush it through. My hair straightener goes up to 270°F and I just about killed it. xD It smells like burnt hair and it doesn't get as hot as it used to.

Brown, Long And A Bit Past My Shoulders

I Wanna Cut My Hair Short, Dye It Really Black And Get Dark Red Hair Clips To Put It In, But Im Not Aloud!

My hair is black. Most the time I keep it down. Well, actually, all the time, because I don't like how it looks in a ponytail or a bun...

It's shoulder-length, and usually flips on the very ends.

My hair is a darm brown with touches of blond highlights.

It's very long, laired and parted/side bangs to the right.

I'm getting my side bangs done more "choppy" and edgy, so I can't wait to see how it turns out.

Oh yes, I NEVER wear my hair up.

I have dark(VERY dark, almost black)brown hair. It's straight and hangs a little bit longer than my shoulders. Right now it's pretty flat looking, but when I have layers(which I usually do)it looks bouncy and full of life!

Memetchi Dreamer

I just got mine styled cut for the first time. I have shoulder length, blonde hair with layers. It looked really good when the hair lady made it all nice... but I can't seem to replicate it. D:

Usualy it's up in a ponytail or pig tails but today it looked nice down... till I got a hair tie. xP

Brown with natural blonde highlights, and goes down about 1cm past my shoulders. It's really wavy and messy, too. xD

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I have blue hair, it's shoulder length and I have a weird side fringe that goes over my right eye. Usually tied up.

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