Whats your least favorite Tamagotchi?


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It wouldn't surprise me if you've hit the nail on the head, here. It certainly explains why we're not getting the On over here, too. šŸ˜•

If you've ever seen the professor and assistant characters from the early Japanese packaging/instructions, and spin-offs like the early video games, they're from that same lore. You can read a summary of it on the Tamagotchi Wiki page for Professor Banzo. :)
Thanks. I don't think most versions are supposed to take place in a capsule. The predators in Tamagotchi Ocean and Garden also need to come from somewhere else, so the newer instalments haven't made a departure in this regard.

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Tama-Go, seems like they just locked all the content that used to be there(is allready on the ROM)Ā behind a paywall :-:
Only the 2 figurines that were included with the device trigger contentĀ that's already in the device itself. The other figurines that you had to purchase separately, carry their own data. They only released 12 figurines because of the v7/Tama-Go's commercial failure, but they originally planned to release over 50 of them, and that would probably not have fitted in the ROM.

Only the 2 figurines that were included with the device trigger contentĀ that's already in the device itself. The other figurines that you had to purchase separately, carry their own data. They only released 12 figurines because of the v7/Tama-Go's commercial failure, but they originally planned to release over 50 of them, and that would probably not have fitted in the ROM.
it all loads the same states that are all burned into the ROM anyway ;)

Even though I havenā€™t played on one, the Friends doesnā€™t really appeal to me. The characters are too girly and I donā€™t get why we couldnā€™t have gotten the iD L instead.
YESSS!!! the friends is one of my least favorites!Ā 

I think my Tamago's are the least played, primarily because of how bulky they are.Ā  But the little character pieces were what attracted me to adding it to the collection.Ā  I mostly set them all up on display and rarely play it.Ā  I also dislike one of the first faceplates that didn't protect the center screen since I was always worried something might scratch it šŸ˜•

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