whats your most prized possession?


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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
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my most prized possession in the whole world is my wii i couldnt live with out it :mellow:

Mine would have to be...my autographed picture of Fergie...hanging on the wall of my room!

My most prized possesion is...um

[SIZE=8pt]My [/SIZE]VERY own PC!

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I think my journal. Also my ipod. My mom gave that to me. <3

My dad gave me this stuffed animal kitty for Valentines Day when I was six years old, and I'd probably have to say that's my most prized possesion. But I lost it on vacation. ><

Next to that, my computer, iPod, or Guitar Hero. :3

mine is my limited edition royal furby because it was the top 100 MADE W00T

my most prized possesion would be 'BB' my metallic green Guitar hero controller which i customized myself
Is that all you think about? =P

My most prized possesion is a hoodie my brother left at home before he moved to Minnesota five years ago. I haven't seen him since, and that sweatshirt is the only thing I have to remember him by, so I wear it all the time, even when it's hot out. =)

my bed and all of its contents. :mimitchi: lol

after that it would be family/friends, JOHNNY :], my computer and all of its contents, my video games, and most importantly my BOOKS!

Uhm, of the things I own...I'd have to say Evan. Just kidding xP My backpack; I have everything in there :3


My cricket bat (good memories with that old thing)

Luke (not exactly a posession, but I couldn't live without him

My computer (my whole life revolves around it XP)

My friends.

If that isn't per say a 'possession' I would say, my sketchpad and pencils. I would rather have that than all the money in the world. Although, I am very closley attached to things. I want a room with awesomeness wolves on the walls, but I would feel bad because my dad painted my walls. Or, I want a new camera, but I would feel bad because my Grandparents got the one I have for me and it's special. See what I mean?

So I guess my most prized possession is everything ^^.

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