What's your name? What about nicknames?


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Oh noes. D: New nickname..

Jama. x.o

Charbie Barbie's handwriting is terrible, so whenever a subsitute teacher tries to read my name, they always say Jama instead of Janna. Which is understandable, but Alex won't let me live it down. D;

It also goes with Jamama Bamama instead of Janana Banana.

I get called Druggie and Drug Dealer a lot by Renee because she asked me if I had 'The Stuff' with Mrs. Kincaid right next to us.

And Nicole calls me a Dealer.. Not as in drug dealer, trust me. You do not want to know what this stands for.

^ Heh, I like that one. x3 8D

People could call me Kris Kringle around Christmas. xDD But it would have to be Krys Kringle. <3

^ Emilee, you are now Eelime, and Ksenia is Ainesk, and I'm Iewiew

I think I've got enough guts to say what my real nicknames are:

My mom calls me: Krys, Kryst, or Krispy Kreme. xP

Brother: Beet Root, Krittle.

Dad: Pumpkin and Ridelya. (Pronounced Rye-Dell-Ya... I have no idea...)

Alot of other people call me Krittle. It's sort of an inside joke, but it's cute. :3

I actually call myself Latsyrk all the time, Iewiew. Me and my cousins make up backwards nicknames all the time for each other.

woo! im E-Lime the rapper. (EE-Lie-M)

Ai-NeSk is a wrapper name for Ksenia(Ay-Nesk)

weiwei's is I.E.-WEI (Ay-EE-WAY)

Krystal's is.. Kryss-TALL (Chris-Tall)

the underlines are where you put stress on the word.

these are our save the playdough and anti dinosaurs club thing..

well they're our club names!

oh yes Huntr to..

AR-HunTT! lul (Are-HUNT)

i added and took out some letters..but..yess. ily guysss

^ wow Emileh

I am Hunteh. Peeps started to call me HuntRRR. Like Huntr- then the letter R

It bothers me. ARG.

Peeps also call meh Barbie. Call meh Barbie guys!!

I like AR-HunTT =] And barbie x3.

BTW I'm a new playdough person thingy =]

My name is Michael...

One of mine on here is Mikeybear. (From Phoebe, of course!)

In real life mine are Mickey Mouse, Mikey, Michelle, Yekim and some innapropriate ones. xD

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