Whats your Scariest Moment?


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So theres a topic about your most embarrasing moment at school or bla bla. something like that. Now tell us your SCARIEST moment. It could be anywhere!!! It could be scary because you got in trouble or scary because someone was stlaking you. you never know. Now post post post!!!!!
No, this is just a copy off my topic. :(

[SIZE=8pt]Then why did you reply Artist?[/SIZE]


Well I think it has to have been when my mom was about to send me to boarding school. I NEVER want to go there. She was going to send me because I yelled at her for letting my little bro who is 4 say the F word.

When I was 6 I had to get my tonsils out, so the scariest moment for me was right before the doctor put the anesthetic mask thing up to my face. I was kicking and screaming, and it wasn't pretty. I remember waking up after it was done, and two of the nurses that came in to look after me both had the name Sue. I was pretty scared then, too. xD

When I was little, I almost died.I snuck a cough drop because I didn't really know any better. But then I choked on it. xD

I wasn't breathing for 3 minutes. Seriously! No breath at all. Luckily my mom gave me the heimlic remover (And almost broke my ribs >_<) and all was good.

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^ WOW.

I never drowned or anything, but I almost fell off a cliff Dx It's good my friend pulled me back or else I wouldn't be here. I guess x.x And when I was at a beach I though that a crab would kill me lol. (Not a scary moment though xP)

Anytime i'm near water I freak. I would actually die if I was living next to a river and water was my only survival.

But specific time. Probably when the hairdyer exploded into a giant fireball in my hands and I just yelled "MUM. I THINK I HURT MYSELF" Then realised everything was catching fire so I had to pick it up, run and put it in the sink and grabbed the fire extingusher [Yes. I'm pretty much the reason we bought one]

That was scary!

Okay. My friends and I.. let's call them M and T. We were at M's house. Not expecting anything strange to happen, we went to the nearby park that was just a few minutes away. We had to walk through the ravine, though. We told M's older sister, N. As we were going down the slide, there was a strange man with sunglasses sitting in the back of his truck, taking pictures of us. There was a little kid and the mother playing, too. The mother and the kid left by themselves, while he kept his camera out, snapping pictures. T called a "football huddle," so we did. She planned for us to hide our faces. Then he kept on taking pictures, so we ran. He hopped into his car, and before we knew it, there was a pickup truck following us.

We didn't have time to go to the regular way out of the ravine. We took the way without bugs and mud. That was, when we arrived. The pickup truck turned onto the road we were on, and so we had to quick run into the forest where the path was with a lot of mud. We got REALLY dirty, and my flip flops fell into the MUD. I had to walk barefooted, or else I'd probably get stuck again. Loads of mud, bugs, and logs were in our path. That was really scary, and he was wearing an orange shirt. We saw some orange in the forest, and thankfully, soon we were back at the house. We had to wash ourselves out, and N said that she saw some orange outside. For all I know, we could be on YT. Title? "Running kids, people project!"

If we approached or didn't have quick wits, we could have been, for all we know, taken. Abducted. Yet, we still don't know if that was his objective, or his objective was pictures. Yet, he did look rather scary. Better safe than sorry, I guess.

Probably when I peed myself in Grade 4. Everyone knew and everyone found out. I got hated...and still am by some people. It was from laughter though. So yeah...

I remember I was scared once before I got on stage to act. I knew I'd fall off stage or do something klutzy. To make matters worse, I was wearing huge patent pink wedges so tall I was wobbling along on them, but tried to make it look cool and graceful. [if you know me, you'd know that doesn't happen a lot.]

Then I got up there and stepped into the shoes of my character...I was fine, and I didn't fall. Not even in my solo. It was a record for me, and I think the audience recognised it too because they clapped extra hard. I felt so special that day..

Hahah. Nice. Well once when I was hiking I was climbing these rocks and they were pretty high and big let me tell ya. And my foot slipped and i was about to fall!!!! but I grabbed on to this other rock and got back up. Thank God for that!
the same thing happened to me!!! i was on our school field trip... we went hiking and i slipped i almost fell!

Another was when i felt a presence behind me when we went to my great great grandfathers house. and it gave me the chills and it was like someone whispering: "LUMAYAS KA DITO" (means get out of here in english)! i almost fainted to death! and we ran out the house so fast! ;) :eek: :eek:

Being left in a dark room(scared of the dark) WITH a weird figure in the corner of the room :wacko:

Almost droping my guinea pig on the bathroom floor D;

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