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i think im bisexual...because i think some girls are cute...and i am a girl! o_O and i like boys too.

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I've only liked boys, and I'm a girl, so straight.

This year I didn't really like anybody though.

I'm straight.

You know what I hate? I hate it when people discriminate lesbians and gays and make them sound really bad. I know some people who are lesbian and gay, and they are very very very very nice people.

One of my best friends is lesbian, and she's been kind to me and we like to make jokes and laugh. Most middle schoolers believe that lesbians and gays are the types you can't be friends with because they'd try to jump you or touch your butt or something like that, but that's so stupid.

I hate it how once in choir we were picking a pop song to sing and someone suggested "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga. Then this one really rude preppy girl said "Oh, we can't do it, it has the word "lesbian" in it!" and the choir teacher actually said "Oh, we can't" and that was stupid; I cannot believe the teacher said that. The song is about being yourself, and how you're special no matter what you're like. By doing that, the teacher discriminated lesbians because she actually agreed with this girl by making it sound like the word "lesbian" is profanity... xP

For those of you lesbians and gays out there, stay the way you are.

I'm straight.

You know what I hate? I hate it when people discriminate lesbians and gays and make them sound really bad. I know some people who are lesbian and gay, and they are very very very very nice people.

One of my best friends is lesbian, and she's been kind to me and we like to make jokes and laugh. Most middle schoolers believe that lesbians and gays are the types you can't be friends with because they'd try to jump you or touch your butt or something like that, but that's so stupid.

I hate it how once in choir we were picking a pop song to sing and someone suggested "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga. Then this one really rude preppy girl said "Oh, we can't do it, it has the word "lesbian" in it!" and the choir teacher actually said "Oh, we can't" and that was stupid; I cannot believe the teacher said that. The song is about being yourself, and how you're special no matter what you're like. By doing that, the teacher discriminated lesbians because she actually agreed with this girl by making it sound like the word "lesbian" is profanity... xP

For those of you lesbians and gays out there, stay the way you are.
I don't understand why people have to assume that. \: Including the whole "You can't be friends with them because they might start to like you back."

No straight person likes every single person of the opposite gender they meet.

It just doesn't make a whole lotta sense to me to think that every gay person would do the same with every single person of their preferred gender.

As for me? I could never imagine being in a relationship with another woman. So I'm straight, I've always been.

Straight as a pole :D

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I'm bisexual but I'm leaning more or less to the girl side ... My girlfriend & I have been together for about a month and out of all of the guys and girls I've dated she is by far the kindest and sweetest partner I have ever had .

Bisexual, even though I have only liked guys, I would say going out with a girl would be much more secret and easier and happier.

Most of the guys I have available are straight as a pole and just hang around with their friends and not really hang around with their girlfriends (which we all want to happen). Girls in our school all know what they want soooo... yeah.

And if you brought a guy to your house everybody can jump to the conclusion that your going out. But bringing a girl would just seem like your friends. :)

I'm too young to know for sure, I suppose, but I currently identify as asexual. I haven't been attracted to anyone for YEARS and I have never had any kind of sexual desire. I can't imagine a time in my life where I would ever want to have sex. I don't think it's "bad" or "sinful" or anything (I'm pretty much an atheist), it just doesn't hold any appeal for me. Kinda weird, I guess, but eh. I am what I am.

I'm straight but i used to be gay, but i stopped because my mom is a homophobic. totally stupid to be a homophobic.

I'm sorry but you can't say you changed your sexual orientation. That is something you were born with and cant ever change no matter who says what or thinks what.

I am staright although i think that physically girls are more attractive than guys...

I like females, i am not attracted to any guys, so i would have to say that i am ...

Strait as a metal pole or in other words Hetrosexual

don't get me wrong, Gays, Lesbians and Bisexual people are great to be around!

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i don't now ive never had a realationship with anyone.

people call me gay though :( (which makes me angry)

i hang out with alot of diffrent sexully orientated people though.

lots of people make fun of them :(

so i stick up for them alot

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