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I address myself as bisexual, but I'm not completely sure that's the actual term for it. It's like something that was mentioned before, is like, my brain is completely blind to gender in the whole attraction spectra. I can't explain it right, so whatever.

I'm Pansexual.

It's similar to Bisexual, but not the same.

I call it gender-blind :D

It basically means that gender has nothing to do with my love for a person.

I have a boyfriend now, But I've had girlfriends before. The gender makes zero difference to me in regards to attraction. Love is love.

Don't get angry with me anyone, butI think any orientation besides hetero is gross. I mean, there are men and women for a reason. To make babies.
well, personally i am hetero, but i thought that comment was a bit offensive to those who aren't. Maybe keep these sorts of comments to yourself, I just don't want people's feelings to get hurt. ):

I'm heterosexual, but I have had feelings for a girl before. I was bicurious, although for so long I thought I was bisexual.

Don't get angry with me anyone, butI think any orientation besides hetero is gross. I mean, there are men and women for a reason. To make babies.
Gross? No offence, but that hurts a lot of people here. If you don't like gays, lesbians, pans, bis, etc, then just don't say it. And don't use such a mean word like "gross". That really hurts, because I'm a big supporter of gay and lesbian rights. :D

I'm back and I have something to say. I don't know why, but I'm attracted to gay guys, even though I'm a straight girl. It's strange, but those are the kind of guys I like. :D

[SIZE=7pt]Hetero. Never thought 'bout having feelings for another girl.
I'm back and I have something to say. I don't know why, but I'm attracted to gay guys, even though I'm a straight girl. It's strange, but those are the kind of guys I like. :huh:
It's not strange, you're just attracted to more feminine men. Everyone has different preferences.

I know I said I'm Heterosexual up there^ ...And I have an announcment.I'm dating a girl. I am a girl.


I still like some guys, so I would say I'm bi...

And Unlike all the other bi girls, yes, I am actually dating a girl. I shall share a story now. So my gf's name is Savannah:) And she understands me 100%, I can tell her anything. We started out Best friends but now, We are dating. We have been dating for about a month now <3 Things are pretty serious.. So yeah.

Show me some support? :3
^[ Insert supportive hug here c: ]^

But I'm straight. I love girls as friends, but that's it. Guys on the other hand.... haha

I used to have a problem with gays, bisexuals, & pansexuals but now I've realized that I was wrong. [ One of my reallyy good friends is bi & she helped me learn to deal with that stuff c: ]

Pretty confused at this point, actually.I'm not going to call myself bisexual at this point, though.

I'm still just a teenager.

I haven't had that many great relationships in the past, either.

So I kinda just go with what I feel is right.

I dno't know how I'll feel in a year or two, so I'm in no hurry to define myself just yet.
^ I agree with Alex.

I dunno. For the most part, I've only ever 'liked' guys, but I think I've had feelings for at least one more other girl in my life. But I'm more of a person who doesn't really define people by their gender, but their personality. So I don't like all girls and I don't like all boys when it comes to based on gender alone. It's not necessarily bisexual. Really difficult to explain/understand.

I consider myself straight/heterosexual, though. So, I'll put that up on the poll.

As far as homosexual rights go, I'm neutral, I guess. xD


I havn't actually decided still, but Im bisexual or bi-curious...but I have no problem anyone's orientation, a few of my friends are bi, but I've yet to meet a gay person.


I imagine myself with girls, and I think it's kinda hot. So idk.

Maybe bi?

I really don't know. I started out liking boys, then in 5th grade I started to check out girls. Now I'm in 7th grade and my best friend is bi. And it made me relize that mabye I do kind of like girls too. So I'm still trying to figure it out. But every once in a while, I'll catch myself checking girls out. So I think I might be Bisexual. I'm scared to tell anyone though.

Well, I thought I was straight, until a few years ago. I started noticing girls, and I started picturing myself with girls. So I guess you could say I was Bi-curious. But I'm liking girls a lot more. Thinking they're really pretty. And in a weird way too. Anyways, I'm kind of into girls more than I'm into boys now. I have only told a couple friends, and they all said, "EWWW!" Which kind of hurt my feelings.

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