Wheel Of Excitement


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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2004
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Today I played the wheel of excitement and it landed on the 'secret item' thing.Then it said spmething like, "something interesting had happened to you or your neopets" well I don't remember if those were the exact words but is was very similar. So, anyway, I didn't win anything. My neopets and petpets were exactly the way I left them, I didn't have any more NP, I didn't have a new item or anything. So is this what always happens when you land on the 'secret item'?

Did you click "Collect your item"? Well, if you didn't you just wasted 150NP! You know not to get the bad stuff like the dragon breathing fire on your Neopets, right? I just got a secret item too and I got this potion XVII which is very rare. I might sell it for a really high price! Kool, huh?

no sometimes that happens when you click collect prize from the wheel of excitement. that's happened to me before, i think it's one of the gag prizes. nothing happens and nothing is supposed to happen.

yea, same thing happened to me, and there wasn't a button that said "collect prize".

also sometimes my pet has gotten shocked or had fire blown over them from the wheel of excitement, and it dropped her health way down. the wheel of excitement doesn't just have prizes and good things.

It sometimes gives you something good because I got a bottled faerie once! :(

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