When can tama's no longer mate?


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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2006
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My baby Jun turned into a dorotchi and i was so suprised because i always usually get ugly tama pets, and dorotchi is so cute!!


So its an adult now, at 7yr the matchmaker came, and i said no to love 3 times because i knew Jun would leave me with his baby and no more dorotchi.....


I was thinking i'll mate him when he evolves again... but i forgot at what age can they no longer mate? i was trying to find old topics about when they can no longer mate but i couldnt find them...


i dont remember if it was 10yrs or 13yr?


Then it also came to mind, that if Jun dies of old age, will my tamagotchi reset completely and will i lose all the items that took me a while to collect for my tama???



I would appriciate any kind of help on these questions, thank you so much!

i got the answer for about the mating thing, but will someone help and tell me if my tama will reset my tamagotchis memory if i reset it?

will i lose the items and souveniers????

Yes,if you reset your Tamagotchi,it'll lose all it's memory,when it dies hold down buttons A+C,because then your Tamagotchi will still have all its friends,trust me bacause I've tried it many times before.To stop your Tamagotchi from mating wait until your Tamagotchi is 14 or 16,then your Tamagotchi will be the Old Timers,if you get bored of not having babies and have another Old Timer,just connect them and they really will have babies,hereis your proof that The old Timers can still mate,something special happens to the babies,I hope I helped you!!!

get another tama and pause the oone you have until the other tama gets to an adult. use the love potion- bcbacaba- and connect with the other one. Soon they will fall in love and have children. Then the items your tama u have now will be passed on to the next generation :)

your dorotchi will turn into an oldie at 10 or 11yr old, unpaused. the oldie can only mate with other oldie and the matchmaker wont come to an oldie.

when you reset, you lose everything, from items to souvineers. it is like you have started all over and just bought a new tamagotchi. you start back to the beggining.


thank you everyone so much, i think i will let Jun mate before he turns 10, i already got asked to mate him four times to Gozarutchi (ninja guy), Megatchi, Kurokatchi and some other tama... but this time i'll let him, i dont wanna lose all the items i have.. :sweat:

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