When Did You Join?


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October 31st, 2005, on Tamakiddy!!, so haha. I'll come and post here with her.

I don't know, but this post will tell me when I signed up.

April '06.

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My first account (which just so happens to be this one) was created September 10th, 2006. Yay me. My other account, well actually, I forgot when I joined on that one. I never use it so I guess it doesn't really matter.

I dunno... look over THERE because i am too lazy --------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I joined on July 26, 2005 on my first account: tamagirl1092

So guess what? With Mothra being the first, I'm the 2nd oldest person to reply so far! :p

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Um, January Eighteenth, '08 on my first account, I believe, but it's seemed longer. xD

Little over a year. :]


It makes me sad that I'm virtually the only user who mainly uses one original account still.


I joined January 2, 2006.

20 days before you -_-

let's see

September 2005, though i can't say i'm that active anymore

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Well, this account, not long ago, but I've known this site and had accounts for at least 2 years. I can't remember what it was called!

So guess what? With Mothra being the first, I'm the oldest person to reply so far! :D
5th oldest! I think. Or 6th, something like that. D:

Back in ''my day'' people were so much spammier and random. When I came back I was like "wow, these people are so well behaved" xD

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