When do you study for tests?


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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2008
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Sorry if someone already made one of these...

I just wanted to see when/if people study for test

Usually the night before, or just before we go into the lesson. x3

That's if I even remember at all.

The last couple of tests we've had, I haven't studied at all! But I still managed to get a pretty good score. I'll walk into school on a test day, and be like "Morning, sunshines!!" And everyone will be like. "Ugh, how can you be all like that? I've been up all night studying." And then they'll get into a big debate over who's studied longest, and I'll just be like, " We have a test today??" And they'll get all freaked out like, "OMG Esther!! You need to start studying right now!" So I say I will, and then I don't.

So yeah.

I normally study a period before the test.

-Is lazy-

I have to study for my Mid Year Band test.

Never studied in my life, Never failed in my life. In everything except english all my test results were over 80% putting me in the top 2% of students for test results. English i've never been good at.

I will study for my NCEA though. That decides wether I pass or fail HS and a fail and you don't get to uni.

I study during lessons because the teachers are normally too busy sending kids to the office to teach us anything.

Usually the night before the test.

If it is a big test, I may start when I get the study sheet.

Nope. Never.

When it comes to a test, I just "Wing" it.

Fail, Pass. It doesn't really bother me.

It depends. Most of the times I study the night before.

Mid-terms this year were aweful though. I studied for about 7 hours total for my English final - and was one of the only A's in the whole of all the freshman honors classes. And I got a 93%.

My English teacher said that 9th and 10th grade take pride in being the hardest English courses will take from 7th - 12th grade - even more difficult than some college courses.

Ugh. I could go on forever. Stop me there.

So for finals/mid-terms, I start studying two nights before the exam, and time-wise study according to what I already know/need to know.

But generally, I study the night before.

I don't study, I can't study xD

But i've never failed a test, so that strategy seems to be working loll!

I don't study. I don't really care if I get a bad grade.

studying is too hard, it's annoying, and it kills too much valuble time.


Grade school, like never. xD

But in highschool it's either slightly throughout the week, or hardcore the night before. Except for exams, hardcore all the time.

I understand things great, but have a terrible memory, so I always study. Grades mean a lot to me, because I can't afford to go to school, so I basically am riding on scholarships.

I'm not a crazy study nerd, but I do it when I need too.

Usually we get review sheets, so I finish the review sheet that afternoon, and the night beofre the test I look through my stuff again.

Unless it's for exams. Then I study almost every night.

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