when does your tama look its cutest?


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tamagotchi lover~~~~~~

Active member
Sep 11, 2005
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these tamas look cute when they come up close to the screen: memitchi,mametchi,dorothi(ghost tama), pot plant tama,the tama with 2 things coming of the top of its head and looks kind of like a pineapple you normaly get him from hinotamathchi. THEY ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. :D B) B) B) B)

i had a kabutchi and he looked so kawaii when you put the sunglasses on him :furawatchi:

So far my favorite event is my Masktchi watching TV. She reminds me of myself a little too much, hehe. ^_^

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yeah think mamemitchi looks soooooooooooooooooo cute

^_^ :D :kuribotchi: :kuribotchi: :kuribotchi:

i love dorotchi.

i also have to say marutchi looks cute rolling around on the screen :D

But what about Kuchpatchi when it comes up to the screen and dances with a flower in its mouth? I loooovveee Kuchipatchis!!! :huh: :D :D :mellow: :D

Maskutchi wearing the cape or bat wings. Adorable little devil.

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