When Does You're School Start Back?


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I am very confident about going to 6th grade, my first year in middle school but the only thing I am nervous about is that it's a new school and my sister who is going into 8th her last year of middle school, says there is WAY MORE teasing in middle school than elementary. Also I have only like 2 friends going to the same school as me T_T and my BFF moved to American Canyon!!! I am so sad about that. So I am going to have to make new friends. I like making new friends but since I had enough friends to get me through elementary school (barely) I am worried cuz I got teased A LOT in elemantary. So I am worried about the teasing in middle school!

EDIT: OMG I can't believe I forgot to write this. It was the entire reason I was gonna post another post. I was gonna say that I kinda can't wait for school cuz it will give me somethin to do and cuz I can't wait to sign up for clubs like drama club and all.

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I go back August 14th. I used to be really anxious and happy to go back, but now not really because our school has the stupidest uniforms. xD

But I miss everybody, so I do want to go back to school.

I can't wait for school. It will pass away the time until HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!! Cuz lately when I walk dogs, I feel a nice breeze and stuff and it's like just a LITTLE chilly I go like "Awwwww Halloween.......... :( " Cuz I want it to be halloween. I KNOW WHAT HALLOWEEN SMELLS LIKE!!!

in two days >.< My brother goes tomorrow though. I cant wait to see my friends, *Glomps*

September 5th. Its coming up soon :(

I'm going to 6th Grade ^.^





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I think that my school starts on Sept. 4th... I dont want the holidays to end!

I can't believe some people are back at school. o.o'

I got out of school around May 23-24, and I go back around August, oh no! Summer is going to end! I'm going to make this last 2 weeks of the summer the best.

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