When is there going to be a new Tama


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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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It's been ages since the tamago has been released and I found it disappointing that you couldn't take it to school cos it was HUGE. I was wondering if any of you guys heard a new tamagotchi from Bandai USA cos I just can't the colour ones :( So if you know there's a new Tama please tell me so I can buy it when it comes out :) :) :)

PS I love the tamago only when it's the holidays


Some people think Tamagotchi L.I.F.E. might be releasing a new Tamagotchi in the future. Here is their website: https://tamagotchilife.com/ Tamagotchi L.I.F.E. is not very popular with most people on TamaTalk, and we don't really know if they're releasing anything Tamagotchi-related.

Other than that, there hasn't been any news about Tamagotchi in the USA. :(

Well the newest ones are the Colour Tamas, and we arent for sure if L.I.F.E is going to release a new Tama, but maybe sometime they will.

More than likely BanDai will only create more Colour version though.


Like everyone else said, we don't know about whether Tamagotchi Life will eventually get us a new Tamagotchi, but according to Anz Falcon (spokesperson for Tamagotchi Life I believe) the products Tamagotchi Life will be releasing are TamaDepa products from Japan. I'm pretty excited about this to be honest.

Well, there WILL be another Tamagotchi release according to the web site, but no homo sapien knows if it is even going to be a digital pet. I emailed Bandai asking for more details but do they ever reply? Is the sky purple with green polka-dots?

Hey! I was just recently on the website and they are going to make the app like the real tamagotchi, where you feed it and stuff!


Sucks for those of us who don't own a tablet/smartphone.

Hmmm that's pretty cool but I was hoping for a tamagotchi that's actually in an egg shape :( oh well

I can't afford a smart phone or tablet so the app is useless to me. Even if it wasn't I'd still prefer the classic egg shaped device Tamagotchi. I'm just lucky I found a couple TamaGos at Toys R Us yesterday. It's beginning to look like if I didn't I'd be Tamagotchiless for the forseeable future. The only Tama I had before yesterday doesn't work.

Hmm you Americans are lucky.... Australia doesn't sell tamagotchis ANYWHERE. Not even toys r us. I'm the only one at my school who plays tamagotchis still :(

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