"When life gives you lemons"


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when life gives you lemons throw them back and say "SREW IT I WANT MY IPOD BACK"


ummmh, when life gives you lemons make lemonade, and thro it at 3 year olds, then watch them fall anc laugh histericaly, i know it mean, but thats all i could think off.


When life gives you lemons, squeeze them in GG96's teacher's eyes for not giving me any awards meanwhile giving the retarded people all the rewards for academic achievement.

lol, 10/10!

When life gives you lemons, say "WHAT THE HECK?! I ordered FRIES!!! :p


When life gives you lemons, give "life" a big raspberry (you know...when you put your mouth against someone else's stomach and blow, and it's most commonly done on babies. It feels weird and makes a loud sound) in the nostril and stuff the lemon in your belly button. Let your friends wonder about your "belly compartment".


Just kidding~! xDD



When life gives you lemons, put them in your friends pantss~!


When life gives you lemons, sing a happy song but then glare at the lemons and throw them at the ground and sing some song sounding as mad as possible while stomping the lemons. Then cry and sing a sad song and bury the lemons in soil, and finally sing a excited song and bump into everyone on your way to get more. Repeat process.

When life gives you lemons, throw them back in life's face, pin life down and squeeze the juice in life's eye and tell life "how could you betray me...."

*i have a habbit of hinting death its kinda sad*

5/10 a little weird

when life gives you lemons eat them with your friends and laugh as your faces pucker up

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