When my tama evolved I saw a butiful


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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2006
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What did I do wrong Why did I get a :ph34r: I whanted a :) or a :furawatchi:

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I don't really think you can choose which one you get. Can you give me more details? :ph34r: :furawatchi:

You got it because your tama is overweight. Ahh... The growing rate of childhood obiesity.

Stop overfeeding it. Play more games.

Well, not just because it's overweight. Also because you didn't take very good care of it. Maskutchi is an adult character you get in result of neglecting your Tama.

So, next time try to feed your Tamagotchi when it's hungry, but not too much. If it's over 18 pounds, always play a game with it to make it lose weight.

Always make sure that its Happy and Hungry hearts are full, and always clean its poop.

And, if you have a v4, make it go to school more so it grows very, very intelligent, :eek:

Soon all of that will pay off and you could get a much cuter character (like Memetchi :) or

Furawatchi :p ! )

you got a masktchi because you weren't caring for your tama or you have low skill points it will be either one of those otherwise i don't know how you got masktchi!! i would have been exepting a memetchi :) or a viloetchi B) too!!! hope this helped bye!!

Well OMG my ura young :furawatchi: evolved into a ura :)
Yes, any teenager character in the Urameme family can evolve into any adult in the Urameme family. Even if it doesn't seem to make sense. For example, Yangu Robotchi (Mame family) can evolve into Mametchi (Mame family). It depends on which skill points you decide to raise.

Because you dont take care of poor tama!!!!

I never got a universal before.Thats what makes me happy

So yours was a girl?

You also could get a Ponytchi. Oh did u know i got a Maikiko?

:mametchi: -----plz love me for who i am!!!

What did I do wrong Why did I get a :mellow: I whanted a :mellow: or a ^_^

Yes, you may have fed it too much and not played enough games, play more games, and feed it healthier, less food =) Also, sometimes it has to do with pausing, don't pause the tama too often next time.


Ilike them it is just I got them on my V3 alot
yes, I understand that, so many times the same one can get irritating... Which is why I love the costumes! :furawatchi:


If you don't want a maskutchi (i have never got one)

:D Be very nice to it

:angry: Get heaps of skill points

:angry: Also, try to choose a different skill point category for school. It might work

:ph34r: If you get a universal teen, look after super well


I have got a :wub: he is weird its good hes on my v.3 because i have got the rare costume!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wear it all the time :angry:

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