When people fake mental illnesses...


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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2014
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This is something that I see more often now, and I shouldn't. I see people faking mental illnesses for attention and it really irritates me a lot. This is not something to pretend to have, or even joke about. I have DID and when I see people, even friends fake it when they've SAID that they fake it, that really irritates me. Like, you don't do that. Some people really struggle with those. Anxiety, depression, anything! It's all being used as excuses and no one really knows when you actually deal with it or not.


It took me a while to decide if this topic should be approved or not :(

I'm thinking, well, who wouldn't be annoyed by people faking mental illness? :eek:

No one would seriously say "yep, do it all the time for lols. It's just a bit of fun.."

I suppose lots of people want others to make them feel special or to be perceived as different / interesting, etc. That's pretty common.

And then there are some who are misguided enough to claim they have disorders as a way to "prove" it to everyone.

Anyway, on the basis that I'm betting everyone's thoughts will be in line with your own (unless they're trolls) I'm going to ask you to consider posting in this topic:

https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/topic/168469-do-you-have-a-dysfunctiondisorderdisease/ - it's an existing, active thread on the forum about a similar subject that seems directly relevant here.

Thanks for your understanding.


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