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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2007
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I'm already 10, and not much has started on puberty. Only the hair on my *cough* is growing. I believe my voice is getting deeper, or just allergies. I don't drink lots of water, so it might be my throat.

But why isn't puberty coming to me? I'm old enough, pretty much. No armpit hair, nothing. Just the above. :/

I already had Sex Ed so I guess I can help... Puberty for Bous normally starts at 11-12. Thats what they book said anyway...

EDIT: and this a a girl talkin...

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Well, ussually a boy matures slower than a girl, and a girl starts to mature around 11 or 12 (maybe later or sonner) and that is just like guys. Everyone grows up at different rates, so just be patient. Maybe you'll mature tommrow, or maybe it will happen next year or even the year after, but it's hard to tell.

Don't worry if it feels like forever, your still a little young yet, but you never know. :)

Puberty hits everyone at different times, you just have to be patient.

For example, I started puberty at 8-9, and I have a friend who didn't start until she was about 16.

It all depends on the individual. Your time will come soon enough.

I wouldn't start even thinking about it until 14ish or something. Alot of my friends who are boys voices only broke at around 13-14+. Do you know boys who have already started? Because pubic hair is the start of puberty so you're well on your way :p .

Girl talkin here... Everyone starts at different times... It's same with girls.. one girl might get her period at 12 while another might get it at 15! Don't worry, it'll start soon, even if it doesn't feel like it! :)

yah i agrree wit ppl who said that u start at certain times,like me for ex,i started early around the middle of 10yrs old or a litllle l8er,first to be exact i didnt remember wen i noticed i had hair um *ahem* it was like it grew over nite >.< it scared da heck out of me,oh and my voice it is deep,wen i saw my friends after 1yr and wen they heard me talk they were like,"who the heck r u ?" oh and my armpit hhmmm....i cant say wen i got i just noe that i have it ^.^

sorry that i wasnt much of a big help,but i hope u got the point :marumimitchi:

I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. I mean, sorry if this offends you but you're still only 10. You shouldn't worry about that stuff yet but I'd worry if you turn 16 and haven't hit puberty yet, lol. Puberty hits people at different times and you get there at different times but that's perfectly natural! >.<;

Puberty starts at 11-13. Your a bit young right now. Wait maybe 4-6 months and then it might start.

Puberty for girls often comes before puberty for boys.

The average for girls is between 12 - 14, and boys start around 13 - 15.

I don't think you should be so anxious to begin puberty. It is a load of hormonal changes, and it is before puberty when you do your major share of growing. If you were to mature sexually at such a short age, you would lose a good two years of growing.

Plus, it isn't that much fun at all. It means needing to use deodorant every day, and if you are a boy you would have to start shaving nearly every day.

I think the more you can put it off, the better. :)

Puberty for girls often comes before puberty for boys.
The average for girls is between 12 - 14, and boys start around 13 - 15.

I don't think you should be so anxious to begin puberty. It is a load of hormonal changes, and it is before puberty when you do your major share of growing. If you were to mature sexually at such a short age, you would lose a good two years of growing.

Plus, it isn't that much fun at all. It means needing to use deodorant every day, and if you are a boy you would have to start shaving nearly every day.

I think the more you can put it off, the better. :)
Seriously 0_0''

Puberty is something to be endured, not enjoyed, instead of wanting to know how old you'll be when it hits full blow just be glad it hasn't.

and I'm a girl, I think o.o

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I'm already 10, and not much has started on puberty. Only the hair on my *cough* is growing. I believe my voice is getting deeper, or just allergies. I don't drink lots of water, so it might be my throat.
But why isn't puberty coming to me? I'm old enough, pretty much. No armpit hair, nothing. Just the above. :/
Well for some people it comes younger than others. And anyway you don't want to go through it or start (which sadly I have :eek: ) it's not nice. Anf anyway if I were you try to put it off. Spots hurt!

I didnt start growing stuff till i was 11, But it varies in different people.

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