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Apr 13, 2008
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:D was walking along the street when suddenly she saw :D .She fell in love with him and... !!!Now it's your turn!!!!!!Please help me continue this story!!!
his name was milo but he was in love with lilly :furawatchi: :lol:

but still :p suzie had to get :( milo to like HER not -_- lilly. She had to make a plan to make him fall in love with her and have her happily ever after!!

then she found out Brandon said he liked her to make lilly jealous

And Brandon perposed to Lilly and she said"YES!!" and they got maried the mext day.Milo was soooo jelous but nobody could break up this couple.

So, Milo had no choice but to like Suzie. So he proposed to her and she said "YES!" more like yelled it at the top of her lungs, she was that excited!

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they got married and had a good life, but then brandon

started to like suzie again so he went over to her house

to see how she was doing,but she dident like brandon

so much so she called in milo every time he came so

that brandon would not be alone with her,she dident

feel comfortable.....

lil baby

but one day brandon came, and she called milo to come, but she figured out that he had died in a car crash..

so she got feeling so uncomfertible that when he went to the bathroom she went and got a motel so he wouldent know where she was and he couldent visit her but then suzie found out that brandon visted her like every night. and he was telling her that he had to go to work on night duty so then she decided to........

and he perposed to her and she was all " THIS IS SO SUDDEN!" and then she said.....

Brandon cried for hours still on the island with Suzie. Suzie went to find something to eat, but Brandon kept on crying. He cried for, hours, then days, then weeks, and months. After 4 months of crying he stopped. He had eaten the fish that came up on shore, and he drank his own tears. When he stopped crying, he went to look for Suzie. She wasn't there, she had already left the island. He made a small boat of the little wood there was on the island and left. He was alone had no clue where Suzie was. But then he thought of Lilly. She actually had love for him. So he went back to her.

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