When We Were Young


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Feb 24, 2016
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Hi all,

I was in year 4 (about 8 years old for anyone not familier with the UK school system :p ) when I saw my first tamagotchi. It was a strange, futuristic phenomenon. It was the coolest thing any one of us had ever seen. Before the end of the year everyone in the school must have had one.

I accidentally dropped mine in a cup of water. That was pretty much the end of tamagotchi for me for a while.

Fast forward some 18 years and I find myself buying a tamagotchi friends on-line. I'm not sure why but i'm pretty glad I did.

I did a bunch of research, and it seems those simple little machines have come a long way. It's a shame the western market has been left out of it for the most part.

So about two months after a sudden desire to have a tamagotchi again, I have taught myself to crochet so I could make a little cover for my tama (a work in progress), waiting on the delivery o f my second, and am designing a crochet tama bean bag bed to go on my bedside table.

Did I mention I don't do things by halves? ^_^

But I think the main reason I've found myself falling love with a toy from my childhood is, it sort of makes me feel like a child again. When I'm playing with my tama I can forget for a bit that I'm an adult with bills to pay, a crummy job, and a driving theory test on Sunday.

I think we all miss being kids every now and again. Although learning to drive is pretty cool B)

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Hello, there! Welcome to TamaTalk! :)

And I agree that it's a shame that Bandai never considered bringing the color tamas and the anime to America... :(

I wish that they could bring the anime and the color tamas here...But alas, I don't think they will. -_-

Thank you :)

Yup I still don't quite understand while an English IDL was released in China. While English is common in many places there, Chinese is still the main language.

I really do hope they release a colour tama here and advertise it properly. In the meantime I'm waiting on my TF dream town and I've been eyeing up the U+ it's soon cute and not overy girl so I'm very tempted... :p

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You are not alone with those feelings mate, and you might just have come to one of the few places with a really high concentration of people who can very much relate. :lol: Very welcome you are.

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