When You Lose Your Pets..


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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2006
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In a cardboard Box
Have you ever lost a pet? I mean, like.. they died?

It's so sad.

I feel bad for my grandma, her favorite cat, Simba, got hit by a car last night.

The neighbor's ran him over, and crushed his head.

It was a mistake though.

But she's taking it hard- he was her favorite.

I feel so bad.

Luckilly, I haven't lost one of my kitties yet..

Have you ever lost a pet?

Well, I'm more fond of most of my relatives than my pets - but it's still hard to lose a special animal...

My dog Sally died over a year and a half ago (Easter 2007) and I still kind of miss her. She had cancer and we had to have her put to sleep.

She was old and kinda smelly, but she was a sweet natured dog.

We also just lost our pet hamster (Spud) a few weeks ago. He died suddenly without warning - and it was whilst we were away on vaction and he was being looked after by our friends in the next street. They obviously were devastated too.

Ah well, dealing with death is part of life. I guess we shouldn't dwell on our pets too much and just get on with things.

I had a hamster named keeka. she would do tricks and she would come when I called her. she died 2 years ago when I was 10 :) . but what was really special is that she was one of my sister's hamster's kids. that's right. cendarah the hamster had kids.


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Have you ever lost a pet? I mean, like.. they died? It's so sad.

I feel bad for my grandma, her favorite cat, Simba, got hit by a car last night.

The neighbor's ran him over, and crushed his head.

It was a mistake though.

But she's taking it hard- he was her favorite.

I feel so bad.

Luckilly, I haven't lost one of my kitties yet..

Have you ever lost a pet?
Oh God, that's awful.

I get so attached to pets.

My first dog, she died.... She was old, and really sick, so they ahd to put her too sleep. We have her ashes, still. It was terrible. I cried for days. I remember coming home one night, being all excited to see her...and then I remembered..she wouldn't be waiting at the door for me like she would.

I had a turtle, that got loose and died. I wasn't so attached to the turtle. It was sad, though.

My aunt bought me a puppy. I met him for three days while I was in India. He was too young too bring back home with us. So our cousins would bring him when they visited. Just before they came, he managed to get out of the house. A car hit him. She died within a few days. From the way my cousins told me, it sounded horrible. They were attached to him. I had only seen him for three days, but it was hard. A few months after our first dog had died, too.

One of our fish died. We buried him in our backyard. He crawled under a rock in the bowl and got stuck. It crushed him.

Now I have our chocolate lab mix. I love him.

But it's so hard for me because I know one day he won't be with me. I try not to think about it, but it makes me sad.

I've had a lot of pets die.


I have lost many pets over the years. I have dealt with this more frequently than lots of people because I do a lot of rescues. Sometimes, an animal comes into my care who is extremely old and unwanted, badly injured, very sick, etc. I work hard to pull lots of them through the rough times and many of them end up gettng better. Some of these animals are too sick or old, and it is very hard when they pass away. :)

No matter what kind of animal it is, I still become very sad when they pass away. If I know they are at the end of their life, I just let them know that I love them and that I am there with them. I believe that their little souls never leave you once their body has given up. Their spirit lives on, and they know how muchyou love them. :angry:

We have six dogs, and all of them are rescue animals. Some were abandoned and some were rescued from puppy mills and drug houses, some came from the pound, but they've all been rescued from various unfortunate circumstances. Over the years, we've had animals that were just too sick or too injured to survive, and it's hard, but I've always believed that to die and be free from pain is better than to continue to suffer, no matter how painful it is for we humans to deal with. When an animal has been sick for a long time or gets injured and is in pain, sometimes it's just better for them to pass on.

I remember one kitten in particular that was only a few weeks old; it's mother had been hit by a car and didn't make it, and we had taken the kitten in hopes of bottle-feeding it and saving it, but it was just too young and too frail to survive without it's mother. The kitten didn't live too much longer, and it was so hard for me to deal with. I'd put so much love and effort into trying to make her better, and when it wasn't enough, I felt guilty over it for a long time. But she was suffering, and it was better for her to just move on and be free from that pain.

I agree 100% with Aubrey. Just make sure that they know that they are loved and cared for and aren't alone and that will make things easier for both you and your pet.

i have never lost a pet...but i DREAD losing my budgie. HE IS MY BABY!! I am thinking of holding a funeral for him at a pet cemetary (with his own casket and everything)

what do you think i should do?? :eek:


Yes. I thought I wasn't going to live through when my dog Tessie died. I was like 'God, take me too'. ;x;

*Sniff* But, I got through it. And now we have two precious little puppies. Their sweet and all, and will make me have new memories, but nothing, nothing will ever fill that hole in my heart from losing Tessie.


I've lost two toads, and five fish in the past three years. My dog is very young and has never ran into the street, and very healthy. I also have high hopes for my six fish, soon to be eight. I don't take it too hard when a fish dies, but I dread the day Daisy dies, hopefully in like fifteen years.

We have lost two dogs. One was a yellow lab named Max. He was a really sweet, great guy. He liked to get into trouble sometimes, but he was just the nicest guy ever. He died from old age (I believe he was 14 years old).

The other was a half german shepard/half black lab who was named Jessie. She was extremely smart and also a very sweet dog. She and Max were the best of friends and had grown up together. Max was only a year older than her, and also died a year before her. She was very upset over losing her best friend. She, also, died of old age. However, unlike Max, she was put to sleep. She was very ill and in pain and we decided it would be best.

Zoe was my cat. I had grown up with her and we were great friends. She also had been great friends with Max and Jessie; she used to play with them and sleep on their beds. She slept in my bed every night, sat on my desk every day while I did homework, followed me around the house, and would always be on the fence outside my house waiting for me to come home from school in the afternoons (she would then come in and 'help' with my homework by sitting on it :hitodetchi: ). She was the only pet I have had who has died that I knew really well; Max and Jessie were already in their older ages when I was born and died when I was five and six. My other pets were hermit crabs, crayfish, and fish, so I didn't really know them quite as well and wasn't as attached to them. Zoe was also put to sleep, but I did not get to say goodbye to her. I wasn't even told she was going to be put to sleep. The entire day was extremely horrible and damaged my relationship with my mother badly. I miss Zoe so much. She was my best friend.

Right now I have a dog and a rabbit who I hope will live for a really long time. I love them very much.

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Since I love animals, I typically become very attached to pets, and it is always SO hard to lose one. :p My cat Milo died a few years ago, he was only nine, but he had a very severe type of feline leukemia and nine is a very old age for a cat with the disease he had. My vet said lots of cats like that don't live past a year ;_; So I am glad he had a good, long life. My hamster Blacky died about....two years ago? That was sad. And since I've had my aquarium for a very long time, I've lost tons of fish over the years. Also, I used to have three pet lizards that died a few years back. Oh, and finally, I love catching and keeping insects of all sorts, so I've had lots of them die, since most insects don't live too long. The hardest to deal with was the death of my beloved praying mantis a couple years ago. I had never been more attached to or amazed by an insect. She was amazingly intelligent, even able to recognize me over other people. I know this because she would often be aggressive toward strangers or friends, while she was always extremely gentle with me. She enjoyed coming out of her cage to be held and stroked, and would gladly eat out of my hand. It's such a shame that the praying mantis's natural lifespan is never longer than a year, but I did have a great year with her. Oh, I also forgot about two wonderful little gerbils I lost to a deadly parasite recently. It's a very long story, so I won't explain it here, but I do feel happy I did everything I could for them, and even shut down the disgusting, filthy rodent mill where they were born. Right now I have two cats, and two gerbils. I'm not worried about the deaths of any of them soon, except maybe my cat Max. He will be sixteen this September. -_- Oh well, maybe he'll be one of those awesome cats you hear about that lived to twenty-five! :huh:

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Have you ever lost a pet? I mean, like.. they died? It's so sad.

I feel bad for my grandma, her favorite cat, Simba, got hit by a car last night.

The neighbor's ran him over, and crushed his head.

It was a mistake though.

But she's taking it hard- he was her favorite.

I feel so bad.

Luckilly, I haven't lost one of my kitties yet..

Have you ever lost a pet?
a few more reasons to [SIZE=8pt]keep your cat inside.[/SIZE]

the pet people specifecally told us that. so we do.

i have not lost a kitty, and will not soon.

cecib :D

ps: not so sure about the fish.

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My dog, Smokey died 3 years ago when I was 8. I believe he was 17 years old. Or something like that. He was so sweet. You could like smother him with hugs and kisses and he would just sit still. You couldn't do that with most dogs. He was really special to me and I loved him very much. Then he got sick one day and a week later he died. I was so upset. I probably cried every night for over a week.

Losing something very special, such as a pet, can be very hard. When I was about 9 or 10, I had a gerbil called Creamy and she was the cutest little gerbil you ever saw! She lived to a good old age of 3 and a half year (very good for a gerbil!) but when I went to feed her one morning and found her lying dead in her cage it was almost too much for me. ;) She died peacefully; she was sleeping, and all wrapped in her special new blue fluffy bedding. *wipes tear from eye*

D: That's so sad.

My Kittie died when I was in fourth grade. I remember my dad was gonna put her to sleep 'cause she would just like pee while she was walking.

But, that morning she couldn't even drink her water and she died before my Dad could even bring her to the vet. D;

I miss her a lot. ..

Yes... I am actually writing a memoir right now, and I have cried many times just in the past hour, because writing a memoir requires the writer to think back about all the memories. (Including the horrible, terrifying, and heartbreaking ones... :lol: :)

here is a link to a good mourning site...

Rainbow Bridge

Warning: You may cry if you are missing a pet!

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