When you think you find love


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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2009
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I was walking down the hall and i saw him. He completed me in every way. I knew how strong my feelings were. I steped up to talk to him...

I opened my mouth, with wonderful and witty words on the tip of my tongue and then he looked my way. His deep eyes, like a soft chocolate bar, melted me into nothingness and all i managed to spit out was ''oh, hello..." i trailed off lamely. seemingly unaffected by my nauseous attempt at speech he said "im new, would you mind showing me where my homeroom is?" oh, and his voice! it was like a fountain, calling my name and drawing me ever closer....

Of course! I anwsered exitedly. Great. He replied. I walk with him telling him of all the horrible teachers. Here you go, Homeroom. Good luck. I offered. I'll see you around. He replied. I stepped away and I saw anoughter hot guy...

Oh could this get any harder! But he was hot in a different way...not sweet. no. definitely not. he wore tight jeans and a black leather jacket. girls even from older grades sighed as he walked past them....

I wanted him. So abdly I wanted to talk to him. But I just watched him walk past me. I could smell Axe spray. Wow. I started to follow him...

And stopped in my tracks, wait! What am I doing here? Shall I throw away everything to follow this mere boy who will never love me....


I spun on my heel and ran, trying to erase all thoughts, except which class I was going to.

I walked into beginner German and there he was....

Sweet and deep, melting my heart once more

He smiled and whispered "Guten Tag" Gesturing to the seat beside him...

I froze...

I sat next to him, hoping he wouldn't notice my chattering teeth.

He smiled and said, "I'm Bob."

"Hi...Bob?" I sat next to him. My mind still full of the other guy. I can't belive I can't I'm in love with two different people. Wow...

But, I couldn't date two people at the same time. I had to choose.

Bob looked at me, and suddenly started talking to me in German.

I didn't do very well in German class, so I didn't understand a word he was saying.

"So?" He said after the end of the talking in German.

He had asked me a question! But what could I say?

"Umm...Yeah." I had NO clue what he just said. I looked at his face. He stared writing german on a piece of paper as if that was supposed to help me understand him...

he finally said it in english. "will you go out with me?" bob asked

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