When Your Tama Gets Overheated


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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2007
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Portland, Oregon
I discovered this when I left my Tama in the car in the blistering heat. Anyway, if your Tama gets overheated, there will be kind of a black liquidy kind of substance covering all of the screen, including the buttons. What I did was I opened the car window when I got back in the car and let the cool breeze blow onto the Tama. Eventually, the black liquid began to disappear and everything was OK. In summary, leaving your Tama in the heat for too long won't break it, but I imagine it does some damage in the process so don't try this deliberately.

omg this happened to me but differently :furawatchi: instead i left it in the car in the freezing cold by accident!! almost all the pixels were faded though :p

so i put it under my lamp and it got better, nice, warm, and cozy!

But be careful how long you leave her in the cold! and don`t heat it up TOO fast or the LCD will break! ANd that is BAAAAAAADDDD... not i don`t know if the LCD would crack in heat through.

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