Whenever you had a crush on somebody


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Yes, mostly. Sadly.

I was in this boy's class for 4 years in a row, and we had a friendly connection. In second grade he told me he liked me, which (stupid me!) I responded to with an OK. Hey, I was only 8! We stayed best friends though. But then my mom got mad at the school and took me out to home school after half of second grade. When I came back in third (once she had got over it) he hugged me and stopped talking to me completely. o_o

Then, now in 5th grade, he keeps telling me he has a girlfriend, and I hide my jealousy... Sometimes. He's seen the sour look on my face every time he mentions it. Then he asks my friends about me, so I get excited. Then he tells my friends that he likes another girl. :blink: And they break up, I guess, and now he started talking to me again. I'm confused!! :p I want him to 'like' me again, or even just be my friend again! I admit it, I miss him.

Yes, mostly. Sadly.
I was in this boy's class for 4 years in a row, and we had a friendly connection. In second grade he told me he liked me, which (stupid me!) I responded to with an OK. Hey, I was only 8! We stayed best friends though. But then my mom got mad at the school and took me out to home school after half of second grade. When I came back in third (once she had got over it) he hugged me and stopped talking to me completely. o_o

Then, now in 5th grade, he keeps telling me he has a girlfriend, and I hide my jealousy... Sometimes. He's seen the sour look on my face every time he mentions it. Then he asks my friends about me, so I get excited. Then he tells my friends that he likes another girl. sleep.gif And they break up, I guess, and now he started talking to me again. I'm confused!! tongue.gif I want him to 'like' me again, or even just be my friend again! I admit it, I miss him.
Maybe you can talk to him, or get a friend to tell him that you like him or want to be friends again? Not much help, so sorry.

well yes cuase the kid i liked started liking another i was pi**ed!!!!! :blink:

sadly yes...

but its a long story

if anyone wants to no please feel free to PM me

i would post it but its to long really

i have liked my crush ever since kindergarden. I am now in 7th grade and i spend HOURS looking at his picture in the yearbook and to him, i am just another student. :blink: And my friend, jackie, likes him to and is very upfront with it so i can never tell anyone i like him :p


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Actually, I never have. Because I've never really loved somebody besides my family.

I can understand, though, what it would feel like if you really liked this guy and then all of a sudden he breaks up with you, for seemingly no reason, and the next day you catch him with another girl... I can just feel it in my stomach and heart x_x

Lol, i feel your pain. (well used to)

I remember in the 7th grade i really

liked this one guy, and i even asked him out!

But he turned me down! >_< *crys*

But it doesn't matter, i have the best boyfriend

in the world =] I wouldn't want to be with anyone else!

I luv my leo! <33333333

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a guy in my class asked me out i said no and he went and cried in the boys room and i felt sooooooooo bad but i already had a bf
That must have been hard to deal with the guy crying. Though you did do the right thing if you already had a Bf. None of this has ever happened to me. Maybe later though.

LOL. I'm never heartbroken. The guy who i moderately like said he's never going to date, marry, or have kids.

I already know not to ask him out, so I'll save myself the trouble. B) Crushes are fine to have if you get over them quickly enough.. I don't think I'm ready for the drama llama of dating >D

*sighs* *cries* sadly yes. It wasn't pretty. it only happened once, but it was still sad.

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My friend's cousin (not my crush yet) got my friend to ask me out for him, I said no. Then a few weeks later I had a crush on him and I asked him out and he sed no, so I gave up. Now I have a crush on him again. Lol it's funny! And yes that made me heartbroken for a bit but I got over it.

okk.. well last year [5th grade] i really like this guy and he liked me we just never told anyone or eachother...but we were always talking and stuffs and sitting 2gether..it was alot of fun...then i started to like this other guy SOOOO much and he like was in luv wit me..so we started goin out in June and didnt see eachother all summer and like i had a crush on this other guy that came over mii house because his mom and mii mom were friends and we were on a swim team together, and he liked me but i still had a boy friend so i didnt know what to do, then when i left for a slepaway camp he kissed me and i was soo happy but then at my camp there was this really hott guy that ALL my friends liked and that like the whole camp liked and he asked me to the camp dance and he was really hott and nice so i was like YESSSS!! And we went and then he gave me a kiss after and it was sooo nice and like i miss him soo much but now its over and maybe i will see him this year. Now it's 6th grade and i see my boyfriend and like we go out and stuff but i dont really like him anymore i like alot of these other hot guys, so im November i dumped him and he was like in luv with me so i did it over the phone he was on his bus and he gave the phone to my friend and like i heard him hystericly crynig and i felt terrible but i knew that i had to do it. So then i went out with this other guy that night he asked me out cause he liked me so we went out and had alot of fun but like 2 weeks later i broke up with him..then the MOST COOLEST guy in school like me so i said yes to him and we went out and stuff it was ok then i broke up with him, then i went out with this loser it only lasted a day cause i broke up wit him then this really cute asked me out and i of course said YES then i broke up with him cause i liked this other guy and we went out and stuff and i broke up with him..now i gotta go to school..the guy i like is asking me out 1st or 2nd period!!!! I'll letyou guys know what happens!!!<33

yes sadly i have. but the darker the rainstorm the brighter the rainbow. i had just been wat i thought truly heart broken, i cried for days over a crush turned bad, none of my friends could cheer me up, then i met trevor and i began to like him but i tried soo hard not to cuz i didnt want to get hurt again, turns out he liked me back and now we r going out and i luv him more than anything, he makes me feel so special like no one else could ever care more about me than he does!! i luv him w/ all my heart and i no he does 2!

I liked this guy at my school, but then I heard one of my friends say that people are saying that he was gonna ask her out on Monday and stuff...

Then he never did. :angry:

But I don't think he'd ever go out with me. We never even talk to each other. I don't think he even knows my name. He is the most funny guy i've known though. :angry:

But I am still so sad because of that... :angry:

Yeah... it's kinda sad.

It happens to everyone.

But, hey, it's just a schoolkid crush most of the time...lol!

You'll get over it.


I had a boyfriend named, 'Steven.' I walked into somewhere, and he was kissing my arch-enemy. I broke up.

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