Where are you going?


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I try to be a good person, but like the rest of us, I have my faults and I have my moments where I'm not perfect.

I think as long as we all try our hardest to be sucessful and to help others, we'll go to heaven.

only people who do continuous bad things for pleasure and purposely, should go to hell.

I believe in forgiveness, though, but forgiveness can only go so far.

I agree with Chatterbox. I love god and will be so happy to see him, and I believe.

Yet I must say sorry for forgetting to prey to him every night.. Now I'm getting bad luck! :(

I love him so much, and I believe in me going to hevean. :huh:

I am very surprised by these replies! I really will try to hold my tongue on this topic lol I tend to start.. *ahem* preaching lol.

I know where I am going. Heaven to be with Jesus and to live happily ever after. Forever and ever. It is sooo weird to think about it never ending! And all you people who don't think you are going anywhere, beleive me, you sure are!

If you really don't care, just think about it. You will be in torture, pure torture, forever. It will never stop. You will get no water to drink, it will be soo hot. Fire everywhere. And you will be in the same place. With Satan. The same person who started everything ever that is wrong. He did it all. You like all those murderers and rapists and cold hearted killers? You will be with them. Think about that.

I am very surprised by these replies! I really will try to hold my tongue on this topic lol I tend to start.. *ahem* preaching lol.
I know where I am going. Heaven to be with Jesus and to live happily ever after. Forever and ever. It is sooo weird to think about it never ending! And all you people who don't think you are going anywhere, beleive me, you sure are!

If you really don't care, just think about it. You will be in torture, pure torture, forever. It will never stop. You will get no water to drink, it will be soo hot. Fire everywhere. And you will be in the same place. With Satan. The same person who started everything ever that is wrong. He did it all. You like all those murderers and rapists and cold hearted killers? You will be with them. Think about that.
That is not completely true. If you dont believin that doesen't mean you are going to hell. It may mean you are going to be a ghost though. God forgives everybody, remember that.

As for me, I think I am going to heaven. I believe in god and jesus sooo, yeah.

I am very surprised by these replies! I really will try to hold my tongue on this topic lol I tend to start.. *ahem* preaching lol.
I know where I am going. Heaven to be with Jesus and to live happily ever after. Forever and ever. It is sooo weird to think about it never ending! And all you people who don't think you are going anywhere, beleive me, you sure are!

If you really don't care, just think about it. You will be in torture, pure torture, forever. It will never stop. You will get no water to drink, it will be soo hot. Fire everywhere. And you will be in the same place. With Satan. The same person who started everything ever that is wrong. He did it all. You like all those murderers and rapists and cold hearted killers? You will be with them. Think about that.
Heaven and Hell is a BELIEF. Not fact.

Don't push it as one.

Religion is about belief. You believe if you're good, you'll be rewarded in the end. You believe if you're bad, you'll be damned.

If you don't believe in anything, there's nothing.

Religion is not fact and people need to stop treating it as it is. It's a personal choice and way of life.

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Guys, I am a christain and have aceepted Jesus SO I think that I will go to Heaven.

Heaven and Hell is a BELIEF. Not fact.Don't push it as one.

Religion is about belief. You believe if you're good, you'll be rewarded in the end. You believe if you're bad, you'll be damned.

If you don't believe in anything, there's nothing.

Religion is not fact and people need to stop treating it as it is. It's a personal choice and way of life.
No. Just because you beleive in something doesn't make it real. If you do not beleive that there is air, there still is. If you beleive that there is aliens that kill people, there still isn't!

Howz about we try not to make this into a religeous flame war o_O.

I think I beleive in heaven and hell, because it is my religeon, and it is what I was taught, but I want to go nowhere. I want to walk the earth as a ghost or spirit. I want to be with my family before and after I die, and not just be looking up at them from hell (which is probably where I would end up, if I didnt get to choose.) I dont even know if I believe anymore, but I do believe in a higher power. Sometimes I think that nothing is real, and I was only sent here for a test, then they would kill me early. (I know, It sounds odd, just... dont diss.)


Howz about we try not to make this into a religeous flame war o_O.
I think I beleive in heaven and hell, because it is my religeon, and it is what I was taught, but I want to go nowhere. I want to walk the earth as a ghost or spirit. I want to be with my family before and after I die, and not just be looking up at them from hell (which is probably where I would end up, if I didnt get to choose.) I dont even know if I believe anymore, but I do believe in a higher power. Sometimes I think that nothing is real, and I was only sent here for a test, then they would kill me early. (I know, It sounds odd, just... dont diss.)

There's nothing wrong with being agnostic which is what you're describing, you believe in a higher power or being but won't know what or who it is until you pass on. That's what I believe too. I know there's got to be something higher than us, but what is uncertain until I find out someday.

I also agree with the ghost spirit thing. I'd like to be around for a least a little bit before/after I pass on to make sure my loved ones and people I cared for are okay and will be alright. Then I can let them know in some way I'll always be there for them watching them :) Then maybe get reborn somewhere else.

There's nothing wrong with being agnostic which is what you're describing, you believe in a higher power or being but won't know what or who it is until you pass on. That's what I believe too. I know there's got to be something higher than us, but what is uncertain until I find out someday.
I also agree with the ghost spirit thing. I'd like to be around for a least a little bit before/after I pass on to make sure my loved ones and people I cared for are okay and will be alright. Then I can let them know in some way I'll always be there for them watching them :) Then maybe get reborn somewhere else.
Exactly, I want to be around them after I pass to make sure they are well and stuff. I dont want to leave earth right away.

Agnostic? Is that what its called? Cool. I have never thought of that before.


I think I am going to Heaven. And ofcourse I also want to go Heaven. I believe in God and Jesus. But I have to admit it is a bit weird (not saying it is bad or creapy or anything) that there is probably something up there and down there that you go to when you die and you stay there forever and forever and forever and- IT NEVER ENDS! But ofcourse if you go to Heaven forever is a good thing.

I think I already said that I believed in Heaven, not so sure about Hell. I think...hell is made up. My personal belief. It may be that Heaven is too, but I find it a bit comforting for myself, to belive there is one. But, in my religion, we believe in reincarnation. I believe in that too. I guess you could say I believe in a variety of things, not restricting myself to the beliefs of one religion.

And about the ghost/spirit thing. I would want to stay on earth as a spirit, because I believe ghosts and spirits are different, and I don't belive in ghosts. Only spirits. I want to stay on earth, as a spirit. I want to know what happens, because death, dying, not knowing, and forgetting, all ties in with my two biggest fears.

I guess my beliefs are a bit muddled up. They seemed cleared in my head, so sorry if this makes no sense at all.

No. Just because you beleive in something doesn't make it real. If you do not beleive that there is air, there still is. If you beleive that there is aliens that kill people, there still isn't!
Air is a fact.

Religion is not.

I have no belifes as I states serval times.

I agree with SK. Last time I checked, Air, water, wind and fire exist. If we have no air, we wouldn't be alive.

The Bible, Heaven and Hell sound like a fable, much like telling a kid about Santa or the Easter Bunny.

When I die? I'll be a ghost inside Luigi's Mansion, haunting plumbers.

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I have no idea. I do not think that hell is as bad as everyone says. I think heaven is not as good as everyone says either. Really I would have to ask god, but I think I would go to heaven. It depends on what caused my death, If it was not an illness or old age then I would probably become a ghost XD!


I have no belifes as I states serval times.
I agree with SK. Last time I checked, Air, water, wind and fire exist. If we have no air, we wouldn't be alive.

The Bible, Heaven and Hell sound like a fable, much like telling a kid about Santa or the Easter Bunny.

When I die? I'll be a ghost inside Luigi's Mansion, haunting plumbers.
Watch out for those vacuums xP

I loved that game.

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