Where are you going?


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I think that I will go to heaven unless I kill myself, because I think that if you kill yourself, you go to hell.

I just think that people that don't value their life go to hell. I'm not totally sure though, but it seems reasonable.

I dunno if im going to heck or heaven!

I sometimes cus, and i use to steal, but i prayed that i wouldn't anymore! I am worried that God will not forgive me, i am scared of him!!! :D

I however don't ly, i am kind to others and yeah... ^_^ .

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I dont believe in Heaven or Hell. I believe in re-incarnation. But if I was going to 'Heaven' or 'Hell', most probably Hell.

I don't know. It depends on people's point of view.

I don't bother thinking about that stuff anyways, but I guess even if on here I must be the grumpiest person in the history of ever, I still didn't kill anybody, or steal, etc. BECAUSE I HAVE RIDICULOUS AMOUNTS OF CONSIENCE.


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Neither. I'm not religious, so therefore, I don't believe in Heaven or Hell.

The funny thing is that if God forives everything, then why is there even a hell?

I want to beleive there is a heaven, but something in me tells me that it was pretty much made up to keep us in line, thinking that at the end of our life we will get some sort of reward. Life is your reward, so why not stop thinking about what's gonna happen after it and live it?

The funny thing is that if God forives everything, then why is there even a hell?
I want to beleive there is a heaven, but something in me tells me that it was pretty much made up to keep us in line, thinking that at the end of our life we will get some sort of reward. Life is your reward, so why not stop thinking about what's gonna happen after it and live it?
There's a hell because of Satan

Ahh, right, the whole custody battle over humanity thing.
I forgot.
No. It's because people CHOOSE where they are going by either choosing Him or choosing against Him. Anything that is not choosing Him is the same as choosing against Him.

God forgives and loves us BUT if we don't want to spend eternity with Him for what ever reason and choose against Him, he doesn't force us. He gave us a choice because He wanted fellowship by free will, not by force.

@Missbehave- not doing things wrong isn't what saves you. EVERYONE sins because we are all human. As a Christian, I believe it isn't works but by believing in Jesus Christ. "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, not by works but by grace"

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1. I don't find it a problem at all. :mellow:

2. I believe in a creature called Wolfbane (from The Sight by David Clement-Davies). :p




6. UH....I hate religion and politics??? :angry:

7. I like the dark, the light annoys me. :angry:


~BerryTama :wub: :D

well i don't beleive in heaven or hell i beleive that you only get 1 chance in life and thats it. so i dont spend all of my time wondering if i'm going to heven or hell :D :D :D

I am going to end up smack in the middle at this rate, but i wouldn't really care. BerryTama is my friend in real life, and we are both Atheist, so we don't believe in god or any of that. We follow the 2Hs Healing and Hell. I am sure all my Tamas will go to TamaHeaven though, they are good tamas. :) ;) :p

Well, I don't really know, because all of us probably have a lot of years left in our lives, so yeah. Personally, I think I'm going to heaven, but all of that could change depending on my behaviour in the future, but I really hope I'm going to heaven. Going to hell would be horrible. 0.0

Who really knows though. I mean, we don't know what is truth, and what isn't. ;)

In the sense that I don't believe in either Heaven or Hell, I'm going in the ground.
Same here.

I believe in Heaven Nor Hell.

When I Die, Thats it. I'll be nothing more than a Corpse.

Stuffed in a simple Box made out of Pine..or as some would call it officially...a Coffin. Whatever.

Buried Six Feet underground.


In the Ground.

a Corpse.

And In a Few Years from there. My Grave will Likely end up getting dug up by some random trouble-maker. o__o

I want to die when I'm in my mid 70's early 90's

Either In my Sleep. or Shot.

I think I'm going to heaven because I've done alot of good and god has done good things to me but still I'm only 14 sooo who knows what I'm like in future years. :furawatchi: Also I dont belive in hell because I dont think god will send you there just be cause you are bad I mean he gave us free will in the first place so why would he punish us for using that free will?

I think I'm going to heaven because I've done alot of good and god has done good things to me but still I'm only 14 sooo who knows what I'm like in future years. ;) Also I dont belive in hell because I dont think god will send you there just be cause you are bad I mean he gave us free will in the first place so why would he punish us for using that free will?
In the Christian belief you aren't sentenced to hell just because you were bad. We ALL are tainted by sin. No one is blameless and to enter heavan you have to be perfect. And that's why God sent Jesus- to cover our sins and "wash our hearts white as snow". We live in a sinfilled world but God wants to have a relationship with us even still. The free will is so we CAN choose to either be with God or to choose against Him. Just because I can choose to steal that iPod doesn't make it right, does it?

Hell is for people who don't want that Relationship.

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So what your saying is that If you "Choose to steal the Ipod" Its like choosing Hell?

It dosent make me and other Atheist bad people we just have other things to worry about than going to church Sundays and hanging pictures of Jesus in our house.

But I still respect all religions.

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